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Thread: Servicing Reels

  1. #1

    Servicing Reels

    Hi Guys,

    I want to service my 2x Diawa Freams Kix 3000's.

    It is something that give the amount of reels I now have, it is getting impracticle and expensive to pay others to do it - also the fact that you are without the reels for up to 2-3wks. It will also make it possible to service mid trip as we do several 1-2 weeks trips each yr.

    Can you advise the products I will need Ito both clean and grease( it is wet drag) and a few basic pointers on procedure and what to / what not to clean/grease etc.


  2. #2

    Re: Servicing Reels

    almost any reel is well within the average Persons ability to repair/service, first off, you need a good well lit clean work bench, some cleaning rag, a few basic small hand tools (good quality helps) some marine grease or Manufacturers recomended, a small oil can, a container and some solvent plus a tooth brush for washing and a small parts box for bits and pieces and your done, if you feel a bit worried about how it all came to bits, place all parts in a line in the order you took them off and a few digital pix as you go if you are really scared.

  3. #3

    Re: Servicing Reels

    Have a look at this thread, particularly Hardb8's posts.



  4. #4

    Re: Servicing Reels

    Thanks guys - off to the tackle shop for some products and I know what i'm doing for the rest of this public holiday afternoon!

  5. #5

    Re: Servicing Reels


    PM me


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