Took the wife and kids for a run in the ross yesterday morningto put the crab pots in. It took some time to find a place to set the traps as there was floats everywhere. I was gonna leave them for 24hrs but my suspision got the better of me and i check them on the high last night. Got 2 alright bucks a chernobyl buck with extra parts and the nuclear rut mark and the other a greeny with barnicles on him so they will be full. The usual million jennies and undersize then reset the 3 pots i still had bait for. I have special way of setting my pots and tying them of all 3 had been done this morningand 1 had even been moved to the middle of the river and some one elses pot tied where mine had been 2 where even still open. The silly bugger that had moved my pot i have the name of the pot that was where mine was and will keep an out to see if it happens again. I know there name phone boat rego and address so if it happens again with the same guy it will be open season.