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Thread: Scarby Reef

  1. #1

    Scarby Reef

    Anyone had any luck with the Pinkies at Scarbourer lately. Heading out Monday.


  2. #2

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Is this a report?

  3. #3

    Re: Scarby Reef

    ^^^ Negative that ghostrider

  4. #4

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Thanks for your help

  5. #5

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooker boy View Post
    Thanks for your help
    Is this sarcasem, because i dont see any one helping you here mate, probably beter posted in saltwater chat,
    Ahhhhh, To be young and Free

  6. #6

    Re: Scarby Reef

    we fished a close reef of scarb bit over a week ago got a 48 and 52 pretty slow other than that som old guy at the ramp when we got back had 3 all over 50 and said he had a few during the day that he couldnt turn till they busted him off !! went home showed my mates dad. he left the next day at 11am fished the area we did with his other son was home by 3pm his bro bagged on the squapper and his dad caught a few squaps dropped 3 that he couldnt turn and pulled in a 78cm model!!! so id say it was firing well that day!! my advice would be find some nice ground,anchor up and burley the shyte out of it!! good luck JAYVEE

  7. #7

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Thanks, thats the info I needed

  8. #8

    Re: Scarby Reef

    i dont think it should matter where he posts, were all mates here, help him out. hes only asking a question, if you dont wanna ad input, then dont. i fished near there this morning and got a squire at 40, too many boats there this morning, looked like a boat show
    cheers, can do

  9. #9

    Re: Scarby Reef

    I fish Scarb Reef, Friday morning, for 2 50ish squire, also fished it Monday morning, along with a zillion other boats, with 3 mates(2 Boats), for nothing.

  10. #10

    Re: Scarby Reef

    I have never seen as many boats on Scarborough reef as I did yesterday morning! In fact I don't think I've ever seen so many boats on the bay. It was a 15min walk to just park the car at the ramp!

  11. #11

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by b j p View Post
    I have never seen as many boats on Scarborough reef as I did yesterday morning! In fact I don't think I've ever seen so many boats on the bay. It was a 15min walk to just park the car at the ramp!


    You are right. I have never seen so many boats there. Any fish that got out there alive was doing well. The missus had to park the car 2 blocks from the ramp!!!
    All said and done though everyone at the ramp as well behaved and courteous even in trying conditions of a very low, low tide in the arvo.

    Secondly I have never seen so many crab pots in the bay, particularly have way across.

  12. #12

    Re: Scarby Reef

    Buy a kayak... Then park near the water on the other side, and paddle the 1.5km straight out No parking issues, no ramp dramas, just launch from the beach and paddle straight ahead

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