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Thread: The Crew Is Late

  1. #1

    Thumbs down The Crew Is Late

    Hi Boatowners

    Sitting here in a quiet moment ...... waiting for my crew to turn up ( missed the tide change ..... right now) I'm thinking how common is this ? & what are some of the excuses given ?
    Should we penalise them ?

    Your thoughts on this subject!



    PS ..... Whitey , you're f^@%8d ( no wonder I go fishing on my own!)
    Last edited by NAGG; 03-05-2008 at 06:09 AM. Reason: Not enough angst!

  2. #2

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Gidday Nagg thats one thing Ive managed to achieve in this lifetime is puncuality. Whether its a docs appointment ,business or pleasure,always made a point of being on time ....
    cheers Terry

  3. #3

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    If they are late, you blame everything, EVERYTHING that goes wrong on them. You needle, whine, and generally make a pain of yourself. If they are late again, they didn't get the message, and you never invite them again!

    I am also never late. I cannot stand people doing it to me. Ask local_guy (Jase) - I gave him heaps last week! But then he put a new battery in my boat - the flat was his fault of course, but he paid his dues.
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  4. #4

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Explain to them how important fishing the turn of the tide and next time you invite them make it half an hour eariler before you arrive that worked for me and explain to them why you did it.

  5. #5

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    I am on the Phone to them if there 5 min late If there still in bed I tell them to stay there or to meet me at the ramp, if they don't make it there in time they can wave to me as I go out the Bar

    A good decky will appreciate the offer and generally be earlier than the time organised!

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #6

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Quote Originally Posted by aqua rat View Post
    Explain to them how important fishing the turn of the tide and next time you invite them make it half an hour eariler before you arrive that worked for me and explain to them why you did it.
    thats it, get them there earlier.
    If they are persistent at being late, just leave and fish alone

  7. #7

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    I always go at the appointed time, with or without invited crew

  8. #8

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Last little while (gentlemans hours too) have been late when it's my boat for the day and late when I am jumping into someone else's, no good excuse for being a deckie and late considering its a quick and easy gig, need to straighten up I think

    cheers fnq

  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Quote Originally Posted by baitwaster View Post
    I always go at the appointed time, with or without invited crew
    Yep..gotta stick to the plan.

    I remember a couple of years ago a bloke I used tor fish with was late one early morning for a reef trip.
    I had launched and was sick of trying to hold the boat on the ramp against the light I left.
    A kilometer or so out I looked back and could see the headlights of a vehicle facing me at the ramp flashing the lights on and off.
    Unfortunately for him I was already in the "zone"and there was no heading back....

    Scott(no patience)

  10. #10

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Yep..gotta stick to the plan.

    I remember a couple of years ago a bloke I used tor fish with was late one early morning for a reef trip.
    I had launched and was sick of trying to hold the boat on the ramp against the light I left.
    A kilometer or so out I looked back and could see the headlights of a vehicle facing me at the ramp flashing the lights on and off.
    Unfortunately for him I was already in the "zone"and there was no heading back....

    Scott(no patience)
    hahaha bet he was never late for a fishing trip again
    i havent had that problem but if they did they can walk the banks for the day

  11. #11

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    yeah but what if its YOUR boat and you are the late one...
    hehe - I did this to Gazza a few mths back - left him sitting at the ramp while I slept in past 4am. he was too polite to call me to wake me up!!

    when I did get up half hour late, I rang him and he was still there dropping a line land based! talk about commitment!
    i felt really bad as I too demand punctuality from a deckie.

  12. #12

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Hi Boatowners

    Sitting here in a quiet moment ...... waiting for my crew to turn up ( missed the tide change ..... right now) I'm thinking how common is this ? & what are some of the excuses given ?
    Should we penalise them ?

    Your thoughts on this subject!



    PS ..... Whitey , you're f^@%8d ( no wonder I go fishing on my own!)
    I can honestly say i would have been there Chris, though i would have had to leave some time yesterday !! As the boat owner you do all the prep & they only have to turn up ....... Seems to me only resenable, they be punctual


  13. #13

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    i hate it with a passion, i make sure i am always on time or at least a few minute s early, i don't be late & i expect others not to be late..

    remember the first trip with a club i joined, was a weekender down the coast & i was given a boatless member as crew, that was fine. he was supposed to be at my house at 4.30am, rang the night before & said he had a hold up & couldn't be there till 7.30am..ok, i will wait, phone rang at 7.15, still held up, you go i will drive myself, be there about 3pm.. off to caravan park st up went fishing, never heard another word untill 4pm..sorry still busy will be there at 5am in morning... by 9pm everyone had had enough as not much action & decided to pull the pin & head home..boofhead (me) had not got this clowns phone no. so spent the night for an early start. that night was a helluva storm, ripped the crap out of the tent, i got wet & slept on back seat of the car, after another call old mate finally turned up, in his new BMW, at about 8am, after a while was commenting on how quiet it was, we fished untill just after 12, i said i have had enough, been here all weekend for little. Then, he said how much do i put in for my share of trip???? quick calcuation... he paid half of the total cost of my weekend, for 4 fishless hours... he never came to any more meetings..

  14. #14

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    The only time I have ever let a guy off for being late was when picking him up he was just finishing breakfast and felt the urge to lift a cheek and the bugger followed through!!

    He didn't get a ribbing for being late but he still gets ribbed about bowel control whenever I see him.


  15. #15

    Re: The Crew Is Late

    hahaha at above^^

    i dont know how half of them could be late when ever we go outside in our boat or a mates i can neva get to sleep the night b4 to eager to get out there.. always up like and hour before too, makes it a big day of having no sleep the nite before.

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