Who do you trust these days? The BOM or Seabreeze or even the wave rider bouys! The weather charts and a bit of common sense and you end up with an arfternoon of calm winds and comfy seas when we expected 2.5m swell and 15 knots?
Thanks to Andrew for a late call up today and how right you where for an arvo fish.
It was good to jig some livies on the way out for another option and the pearlies just smashed them and a pearly bag out was done and dusted before sundown.
The berly trail was set but being just off the mark meant it just didn't happen and no matter how hard we berlied, we just couldn't get other fish in the firing line so with little current and wind , Andrew used our anchor point as a pivot and drove around the pick and slow drifted around the anchor for some quality snapper, moses perch and silver jew.
Left the fish on the chew but with a great feed and the most fun I have had on the water for a long time even though dusting some cracker fish!
Happy Days.....