hi there guys while coming back from not so good mornings fishing, my mate saw something in the water next to a xxxx 6pack rapper and it was a triple tail we thought it was injured but it was just laying there on its side until it saw the boat and sounded,we went looking for it and found another my mate was throwing a small slug and i was useing and small tuna fly after a few attemps i tied on a larger tuna fly and put it right in its nose after a few more attemps, my mate saw it take it then my rod started to load ,they do pull hard but it was a bit sluggish 6lb or 2.76kg and 56cm, it was hanging on the surface to about 5ft down and it was the first fish on a newly built ultra fast flylogic i built a few weeks ago,but still looking for that longtail on it,but it was a first for me so i cant complain as it was just of bribe looking for tuna ,bonus