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Thread: This chick loves to fish

  1. #1

    This chick loves to fish

    Finally the twins are old enough to take out in the boat and enjoy a fish too! I am such a proud mum, one of the boys caught a fish on his very first trip!
    P.S The name is in honour of my husband who always says he's got a big one hooked. Until he reels it in and it's been foul hooked or something ridiculous like that!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by ivegotabigone; 01-05-2008 at 11:38 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    LOl @ That......Or the Onethatgotaway .
    That should be my OH's Motto..Hee hee
    Whats Life Without Fishing

  3. #3

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    welcome to ausfish

  4. #4

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    welcome to ausfish

  5. #5

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    They looks like lovely. Welcome aboard, ivegotabigone (what nick!), and send more twins fishing pictures. (I believe they are the family proud, he he)
    Is better a bad fishing day than a good working day!

    >-(-(-(-(º> º

  6. #6

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    Welcome to Ausfish, I'm sure there will be lots of help to give if needed

  7. #7

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    Go the Mums & Kids - The more, the merrier I say!! Keep up the posts & photos - 2 deckies are better than 1 (in your case anyway)
    Cheers Sammy xx

  8. #8

    Re: This chick loves to fish

    welcome and enjoy

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