Went for a quick arvo session up to bribie today. Sent a quick text to an old bloke I know up there to see if he was keen to jump aboard, a quick yes and it was on. He doesn't get out much these days in his old age. (arthritis and bad eyesight I think) Anyway the plan was to throw for a few lizards on the flats with plastics while waiting for the tide to slow enough to get some big prawnstars down amongst the pylons. Started very slowly and took a good 15 min to get the first hit. It hit hard and ran straight at me, as a lot of big lizards tend to do in shallow water and it was obvious this one wasn't going in the esky. A few mins later a good fish of 86cm slid into the net. A few pics and it swam away happily. Only one more hit over the next half hour signalled that the bridge was ready, but just before we went my old buddy (with his bad eyes) saw something following his lure. It turned out to be a nice squid so on went the jig while he kept it entertained and it was quickly put in the esky. Went to the bridge from there and started jigging the big prawns. On the 3rd pylon the big red got smashed and up popped a nice black spot cod measuring 54cm. A few pylons later the same happened and up popped a gold spot cod of 55cm. Apart from them we never scored another hit under the bridge which is really odd. Maybe they were still full from the long weekend. Cheers. Keith