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Quality Fish-Bribie
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Thread: Quality Fish-Bribie

  1. #1

    Quality Fish-Bribie

    Went for a quick arvo session up to bribie today. Sent a quick text to an old bloke I know up there to see if he was keen to jump aboard, a quick yes and it was on. He doesn't get out much these days in his old age. (arthritis and bad eyesight I think) Anyway the plan was to throw for a few lizards on the flats with plastics while waiting for the tide to slow enough to get some big prawnstars down amongst the pylons. Started very slowly and took a good 15 min to get the first hit. It hit hard and ran straight at me, as a lot of big lizards tend to do in shallow water and it was obvious this one wasn't going in the esky. A few mins later a good fish of 86cm slid into the net. A few pics and it swam away happily. Only one more hit over the next half hour signalled that the bridge was ready, but just before we went my old buddy (with his bad eyes) saw something following his lure. It turned out to be a nice squid so on went the jig while he kept it entertained and it was quickly put in the esky. Went to the bridge from there and started jigging the big prawns. On the 3rd pylon the big red got smashed and up popped a nice black spot cod measuring 54cm. A few pylons later the same happened and up popped a gold spot cod of 55cm. Apart from them we never scored another hit under the bridge which is really odd. Maybe they were still full from the long weekend. Cheers. Keith

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Outsider1's Avatar
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Great pics Keith. Thanks for the report, well done!.



  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Nice Keith, well done!
    Gotta laugh though, another in the 80's, on the Bozo as well!

    Well done mate, you got some good chewin' there!


    That shot of you holding the lizard is a ripper!

  4. #4

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Fejjy-Thats the 4 inch trop angler mate. Bozo doesnt get much of a swim in my tinny these days. But yeah another 80. We called it closer to 90 when it came in the boat. Bit of a chubby unit.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member richieboy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Hitting the old haunts again hey Keithy. It's around this time you're into the lizards. Good report mate.
    Barra have gone a bit quiet up here but the bluewater seems to be coming alive. Hoping to get onto a few Jewies soon after nailing some Goldies last week. I reckon this weeks springs may be my last cjhance to snare a few chromies on the flats in the harbour.


  6. #6

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Sounds like your doing it tough rich. Jacks are slowing right down now especially after this cold snap. Got a 45 on sunday with fejjy and dropped one but it was quiet.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member indy's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Your mate might have bad eyes but he sure can take a good photo nice fish there

    cheers pete...

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member richieboy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Quote Originally Posted by Creek Vermin View Post
    Sounds like your doing it tough rich. Jacks are slowing right down now especially after this cold snap. Got a 45 on sunday with fejjy and dropped one but it was quiet.
    You poor bloke. I reckon you've had your quota catch of em this season anyways mate.
    Noticed you slayed a few bigger boys toward the end of the season as well. Must be feeding up before the cold sets in eh. Great pics, good to see the Hb's getting a run this year as well.
    I'm back in July for 2 weeks so a snapper sesh with old sparring partner Nicky-boy will be on the cards. Keep the reports coming bro. Cheers,


  9. #9

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Great catch mate ,

    You have fuelled my enthusiasm of fishing the bridge again. As for your so called slow start, 15MINS I"m pumped to get first hit some days after an hour, must be doing something wrong. Still trying to master the art of the artificials.

    Awesome pics!!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Didley's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Great report thanks Keith.They are quality fish and the photos are exceptional. I take it you've got a new wiz bang camera. Trying to get some magazine cover shots perhaps

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Leighton's Avatar
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    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    you're killing them with the Prawns mate, great pics.
    How are you working the P S lures? A quick flick or slower roll?

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    some good fish there. Big flatty sure is nice and fat.
    "True Blue"

  13. #13

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    good stuff keith. I was down there on the weekend. Found a little patch of rubble near where you were fishing and got stuck into a heap of squire. All just under size but they were good fun on the 4lb. Also got a 46cm gold spot and a few tailor. All on plastics and in the middle of the day with a billion boats around. Im itching to give the spot a go in the twilight.

  14. #14

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Nice catch there for a quick arvo session !

    There are some nice big flatties being caught of late

  15. #15

    Re: Quality Fish-Bribie

    Stabs-Very short sharp flicks mate using just the wrist. Most males have the necessary wrist strength.
    jeffo-any size to the tailor mate? It's great catching fish round a heap of boats. Most don't even notice you doing it.
    Didley-Nothing whizz bang bout my camera mate.
    indy-yeah once I lined the old fella up he went alright.

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