I wrote to Mike Horan on the 7th March 2008, to find out the Oppositions view on the EPA closures. I'm sure he gets heaps of emails so I'm not worried about the promptness of this reply ...
17 April 2008
Horan calls for commonsense on Moreton Bay
Shadow Minister for Primary Industries & Fisheries Mike Horan has called for commonsense in the drafting of the Moreton Bay Marine Park structural package.
In a speech to State Parliament, Mr Horan said drafting of the ‘structural package’ for commercial fishers and crabbers whose livelihoods and businesses were affected by Moreton Bay Marine Park closures needed commonsense and input from industry and the DPI&F with zonings based on sound science.
“There needs to be a committee that includes people who are involved in the fishing industry and who are active on Moreton Bay,” Mr Horan said.
“The committee must also have representatives from DPI&F because they are the ones responsible for sustainable management through the regulation of commercial and recreational fishing.”
Mr Horan said any fishing licences issued after the final plan was in place must be done under the DPI&F and not under Marine Parks’ legislation, because DPI&F had legislation that recognised the proprietary rights of commercial fishermen.
He said any decisions on Moreton Bay Marine Park zonings must be made on sound science, not philosophical beliefs or politics.
“The plan put forward by the Moreton Bay Alliance who represent recreational and commercial fishers, boating and associated industries is based on independent and professional science.
“In particular, it provides better protection of the sea grass and estuarine environment while still allowing for reasonable and sustainable access to the bay.”
Mr Horan emphasised it was time for the Bligh government to use independent science and not “philosophical straight lines and guesstimates” in setting the bay zonings.
Media contact: Mike Horan 0418 982 271
Hansard Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Speech by
Mike Horan
Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) (11.49 am): We are reaching the final stages of theexamination of the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan and I want to speak about three things in the twominutes that I have. The first is that when an eventual structural adjustment package is put together it isabsolutely essential that the committee that oversees that package includes fishermen who know
intimately Moreton Bay and what effect these closures will have on their industry, people who represent therecreational and boating industries, and also someone who represents the Department of PrimaryIndustries and Fisheries because it is responsible for sustainable fishing in the bay.
Secondly, I want to talk about the issuing of licences. This draft plan has been put forward under theMarine Parks Act 2004. It is essential that licences which are issued once this plan comes into force areissued under the Fisheries Act, because that act has regulations which enshrine the property rights offishermen in this state. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure the viability and sustainability offisheries and to oversee commercial and recreational fishing, so it is essential that those licences comeunder that particular department.
Finally, this Moreton Bay zoning must be based on proper science. It cannot be based on
philosophy, or warm and fuzzy feelings, or taking a straight 10 per cent, or drawing straight lines. It must bebased on science. The Moreton Bay alliance, representing commercial, recreational, boating and on-shorefishing in Moreton Bay and associated industries, has done some marvellous work with the science. It hasdone a better job with regard to riverine, estuarine and seagrass areas—which are the most importantparts of the environment of the bay. I am asking the minister for sustainability to take notice of this verycorrect and accurate scientific study.