Went for an afternoon fish today with GT's the target.
Started off trolling a tiny Smith Lil' mate and it got smashed, wrapped around a pylon.............lure gone! They look the goods these tiny fellas, gotta get myself more of those babies!
Started throwing the placcy, got a couple of hits but things were quiet, so a change of venue was in order.
Got to another of my haunts, first cast, I was on! After a solid little fight a GT of 50cm hits the deck! Slice the throat, into the kill tank. I love eating GT's!
Pulled a few small bigeye and another smaller GT, then something else decided it wanted to eat my plastic! This fight was different, then the line arced up to the surface and this thing jumped everywhere!!!! Queenie, and not a bad one for the river, the thing wouldn't stop jumping, it was great!! I just hoped it didn't throw the hook. After a solid fight it hit the net, at 60cm, I was happy with that.
All fish caught on 4lb braid, 12lb leader, all fish released bar 1 GT for tucker.
Cheers Jeff.