Looking to put a compass in my 6.1m plate boat, can anyone point us in the right direction as to what brand to buy, I have had a look on Ebay and they and they all look the same
Looking to put a compass in my 6.1m plate boat, can anyone point us in the right direction as to what brand to buy, I have had a look on Ebay and they and they all look the same
far better off to go to a reputable marine shop or Boating supplies place and buy one that you can actually see and play with to make sure it will fit where you want it to go, forget Ebay, Whitworths have a pretty good range.
Just fitted a new Danforth thru dash unit from Whitworths that they ordered in based on the one I had to replace after 10 + yrs due to oil leak. Seems Ok so far just have to fiddle a bit when bored to "true it"
Agree that go to dealer who has stock or can order what you need rather than ebay etc
What could go wrong.......................
Pointless waste of money, buy a GPS instead.
pointless it may be, but it is still a Legal requirement, and I have yet to see a compass fail because of an Electrical issue, as a GPS unit can do.
By my interpretation Noel , It is not a legal requirement.
The law states,
Navigationfinding or position equipment)
(for example navigation chart, liquid
damped compass, other direction
So if you have a working GPS you legally don't need a compass.
The point I was tring to make was a good compass can cost as much as a GPS and is nowhere near as accurate, for a multitude of reasons including the failing strength of the earths magnetic field and the shifting of magnetic north.
If you are heading towards a particular place using a compass you can end up miles out due to wind and currents, sure it will point you towards land if you are 30 mile out to sea, but use just your compass to navigate back and see how close you end up to your intended destination.
Sure a compass is a backup but if I could only afford a GPS or a Compass then there is no contest.
Last edited by SeaHunt; 29-04-2008 at 11:17 AM.