The forecast was great this weekend so I decided on a solo trip to the reefs wide of Mission Beach for some long awaited fun and to restock the dwindling supplies in the freezer..
I was planning to leave early yesterday but I messed up the wake up call and didn't get away till later but as I planned to spend the night out it was no big deal.
Anyway the weather was great,very little run with the neap tides though and I had to work hard to get the fish...the red emporers continue to elude me which remains a real source of frustration...
I didn't land a fish during the night as I obviously anchored up over "Shark Alley" and I'm not to keen on anchor retrieval in the dark by myself so I got a great nights sleep anyway.
Woke up to another beautiful day, bagged out pretty soon on largemouth nannies and Trout and decided to call it a day.