We went out bright and early this morning, got up at 4:30, by the time we got there it was around 5:30. Around 6 when the sun actually came out properly we were bombarded with hits. One big hit and i was on to something that felt very solid. I ended up dragging it up to the bank and there it was a nice 38cm Snapper. I didnt even have time to take the hook out of this fish when i was hooked onto another 34cm snapperthrew the 34cm one back. At around 8:30 we went to spot x where we both fished with SP's. First time ive actually used the new squidgy pro range with that "S" factor in it. Was fishing with gulp new penny shrimp then i went to the new squidy cray. Within 3-4 casts i was onto a monster 73cm*edit* flathead *edit*
caught a few smaller ones but they all went swimming happily ever after. I cant find the cord from the digital camera but will post pics up very soon
happy fishing