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Thread: Safety Equipment

  1. #1

    Safety Equipment

    Was out on the bay tonight and couldn't but overhear that some poor bugger had broken down at Peel Island this evening.

    What surprised me was that when the coast guard requested the guy to flash his torch in their direction to identify the exact boat. The reply was that there wasn't one handy on board.

    Maybe i'm safety conscious but i have two torches handy and a spare battery in the glove box, regardless if i'm going out for a day trip or overnighter.

    It was a 6.4m boat as well, plenty of room.

    Am i alone when it comes to carrying torches all the time?

  2. #2

    Re: Safety Equipment

    No mate your not alone ,i i carry a dolphin in my boat ...matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  3. #3

    Re: Safety Equipment

    I check all the safety equip regularly. I cannot imagine why someone wouldn't. Mind you, I can't imagine driving a car at 200 either, but people do it...
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  4. #4

    Re: Safety Equipment

    I only have a 4.3 mtr boat, but carry a couple of torches, one is a four or five led one...wonder if they had any of the necessary safety gear ???? on board. I wouldn't go out with that bloke again, if he forgot the torch what else has he left at home or forgot to carry??????

  5. #5

    Re: Safety Equipment

    I'm glad you guys agree with me.
    Because i often go out alone at night in the bay i have adopted wearing a yoke pfd. I often forget that it is even on, i still get embarrased though as it seems a bit weak but you never know.

  6. #6

    Re: Safety Equipment

    I always have a torch with a spare battery and test it regularly.

    How tight would you have to be to not want to pay a small price for an item that I believed was a part or the prescribed safety gear.


  7. #7

    Re: Safety Equipment


    Tight?? no, tight and foolish.

    I carry one @ all times, and also a 100W handheld spotty


  8. #8

    Re: Safety Equipment

    same. plug in spottie and a dolphin torch, rig would not leave driveway with out a torch. Polky

  9. #9

    Re: Safety Equipment

    It's strange that he didn't have a torch, and even stranger that it wasn't suggested that he flash his cabin/cockpit lights or even anchor light???
    (Batts might have collapsed, but surely he could still power an anchor light??)



  10. #10

    Re: Safety Equipment

    Reel Nauti thats exactly what they suggested once torch light wasn't available. Maybe the coastguard was checking out their suspision.

  11. #11

    Thumbs up Re: Safety Equipment

    Almako I agree with you about wearing a yolk style life jacket, I have three on board my boat and want everyone to wear them, but, still feel "funny" wearing them...... I want and hope to overcome my embarrasment about them. I used to store the usual ones up under the bow, really handy in an emergency. But I will overcome the feeling of wearing them all the time, as it is better to look a bit weak than being dead...............


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