Where can I get Bio Diesel in or near Brisbane?
Where can I get Bio Diesel in or near Brisbane?
more info here;
I have not tried it but understand it is very easy to make from used cooking oil.
there are to many variables to make a general statement like that , the probelm is there is different bases used for the bio which some are good and some create problems .
dont use it it cold climates and buy from a reputable outlet and expect your first time with it to clean your fuel system which will cause a filter replacement earlier than normal . a lot of testing has gone on in the last 2 years which has sorted a lot of the probelms .
G'day, I've got a couple of mates who make the stuff on the north side, and have been doing it successfully for a few years now. Their set up is tried and sure, leaving nothing but Good Clean diesel. Their vehicles, trucks, 4wd's, cars engines etc are all behaving better than the bought stuff. And for titbit of the price!
cheers ttone
Yeah that bio diesel make my big doof doof sub woofer die! I'll never us it again!!
(PS. I have never tried bio; due to nowhere to source it locally, but would try it when it becomes available)
Keep it under your hat if you make bio diesel. Tax man now wants his cut in the form of Excise.
Makes you laugh. When bio diesel was first made everyone used to scoff, now big multi nationals make it out of everything from low grade tallow to old fast food fats and a dollar is to be made taxman wants his chop out of even poor old joe public.
Funny how we can still make home brew and not have to pay excise. Maybe Hotel lobby not as strong as fuel company lobby or else Tax man already collecting extra tax from brew kits
If you want the good oil on bio diesel, jaycar have a well written book on the subject.
It covers all angles.
And yes, the tax man wants a piece of your home brew bio diesel.
I know people who run a blend of unprocessed vegitable oil and regular diesel, suposedly without problems. But this is very dependent on the type and quality of you oil.
If you process biodiesel you can use almost any type of animal or vegitable oil and it can look very uggly.
it is an involved process and there are some waste products to dispose of if you don't have a use for them.
Meant to post this the other day but forgot- lots of advice/howto's/faq's at the VW tdi club forum.
BTW - anyone else besides me driving a diesel VW? They rock!
I believe there is a place you can buy 100 blend in Narangba have no other info than that. I would use if it meant i was paying less even if it meant i need to replace seals to ensure my vehical was not compromised due to using it.
My old man has been using Coconut oil in his truck for the last 2 years without missing a beat, smells nice to apparently
The guys I 'know' on the tdi forums who run vegetable oil conversions say the exhaust smells like french fries .