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Thread: what the best coloured lure for cod

  1. #1

    Talking what the best coloured lure for cod

    anyone know what the best coloured lure for cod because i am going to buy one and i wanted to know what colour and brand to buy

  2. #2

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    That is a good question, if I knew the answer I wouldn't have 100's of lures in my tackle boxes.
    cheers rossco

  3. #3

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    I have found and researched that orange, purple and green picks up a fair few fish, but thats what i have heard from tackle shops etc.


    (ps is this murray cod?)
    Breaming is my LIFE!!!

  4. #4

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    If your talking Murray Cod - my favourite is as per Keechie.

    Orange Oar-gee, anything green/gold.

    Purple is a bit overrated for my liking.

    I do pretty well on Jackall's TN7's too. Fav colour red/black, anything with green/black stripes and HL Gold.

  5. #5

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    orange,i have caught some on yellow and even pink,but i would choose orange over the others

  6. #6

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    ok that pretty good

  7. #7

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    I try not to buy to much into the whole colour thing. I recon its more about keeping the lure in the strike zone for as long and often as you can.
    Though depending on water clarity purple/black is usually the first to be tied on


  8. #8

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    Depth is more important than colour in my experience, oh and finding one that wants to eat.

  9. #9

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    I have done really well on the orange Oargee or the purple Stump Jumper. I don't know whether you should concentrate on colour but more the vibe that the lure gives off IMHO.

    I have not caught a BIG cod but many smaller to medium sized ones in the Canberra region using these lures.

    Fav all time for cod is definitely the Orange Oargee in the smaller size(sorry cannot remember what size about 50mm body ) Also good if there are any yellowbellys around....


  10. #10

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    I've heard a lot of guys rave about the purple.

    My favourite would have to be a Custom Crafted Lumo Diver in the green, yellow and black- similar to a cod colour and pattern. Maybe they think it's a juvenile?

  11. #11

    Smile Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    Probably the stand out colour if i had to fish a one lure comp in a waterway that i had no info on and could not take any others along would be around 60-80 mm in Black & White.... It works great in all water conditions and depths for Cod.

    Cheers Les

    "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

  12. #12

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    This is my favorite lure/colour for Murray Cod.

  13. #13

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    G'day Wyldfisher,
    A real classic cod lure those ultra deep orgees in frog pattern. I recon if i had the money i'd buy a 1000 of them


  14. #14

    Smile Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    hey guys like this one Attachment 25908
    Last edited by barra king; 29-04-2008 at 06:36 PM. Reason: changing pic

  15. #15

    Re: what the best coloured lure for cod

    love the purple and black

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