Well said to all the above, & keep on doin what you doin ( Informing )
Well said to all the above, & keep on doin what you doin ( Informing )
Damn. Nice haul Barry.
Don't worry about the "greenpeace fishing club" mate, because opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.
Frank, your definately a machine. You would have come in handy to give me a hand with the damned shark last week.lol.
Barry - top haul mate
mmm winter is on the way - prawn and scallop curries
Hey Barry, in the words of "CHOPPER REID" harden the F$#K up. Mate you have had more support from AUSFISHERS than negitivity. Older or Maturer man like yourself would have heard worst than this lot can muster up. So "HARDEN THE F$#K UP"!!!!!!!!. Peter Close. AKA BAR UP.
"We gave Howard the Arse now we have to fix Rudd"
"Now we have to sort Gillard" F@?k me RUDD again
Abbott and Newman what a great next few years "NOT"
Superb feed there to Frank and his mate, great effort. Cant wait till a few turn up around the middle brissy.
Last edited by gaintsquid; 22-04-2008 at 08:19 PM.
Frank - NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't stop reporting.
Call me a meat fisherman, I don't care. I feed myself and my family and keep what's legal - I love eating seafood.
If you want to let them go that's your business, if I want to eat them that's mine.
Nice feed of prawns Barry. Maybe I should learn how to throw a cast net properly then go and find some of those big prawns.
Mate they are there now. You must be going on the wrong tide and time of day.
Middle Brisbane prawns best from low tide for about 2 hours right on the edge of the drop offs to about 2 metres from the bank. As for the time of day you can figure it out from my previous posts.
thanks mate, but by middle brissy i meant the middle brisbane river up around jindalee, My bad for wording it poorly. I havnt realy given it a good go latly, but about 15 throws of my 12foot top pocket net last time only resulted in about 3 or 4 prawns (or less), where as times before in this same little spot last year, we usually got 1 - 5 every cast (landbased and not the greatest prawning spot though) and i havnt seen any prawns skipping around the surface for a long time. Im thinking it should be anytime they start heading upstream in good numbers, last year when they were realy going people were getting kilos upstream to past kookaburra park. Maybe all the fresh has delayed them from comming upstream more?
I can only reiterate what everyone else is saying, don't give up the reports or the seafood dinners. As a struggling fisherman this forum doesn't just teach me - it lets me share in others success and that includes knowing that someone got to take their catch home and share a meal with family and friends - there is something very special about serving up food you have caught yourself.
Keep posting and teaching, you just have to look at the replies here to know that there is ground swell of support for your view and the need for your experience.
Whatever you decide, I hope the positives of this forum are what you remember rather than the negatives.
thats a shame mate i love reading your reports whish i could catch a prawn in my castnet what a nice haul
come on Baz, I was only taking the piss, not having a shot. There is a big difference, Half your luck with your prawns, I say.
My net now decorates the rubble at Marks rocks and upgrading to a "top pocket , yellow raincoat special" 400 footer is out of my reach right now. So eat and enjoy!
(do blue m&m's do the same things? )
Thanks for the support guys. As I mentioned previously I will concentrate on offshore reports as Frank and I have a heavy offshore program planned for the next 6 months with lots of trips planned on the weapon "Alexander" and "Baitrunner" as well as an appearance at the Rainbow Beach Fishing Classic.
Also Frank the fishing machine is getting a bit agitated that guys are starting to follow him to his prawning spots and has requested that I limit my reports on his activities around the estuaries so that he can get some elbow room.
Finally the catch and release guys are not so prevalent on the offshore reports and those that post replies there do so in a respectful manner.
One last thought ... Maybe the moderator can give the catch and release guys there own site or button on the chat board so that they can annoy each other rather than the majority of fishermen who fish within the regulations set by Fisheries.