what bothers me is how much this site has changed over the years....it used to be a whole bunch of great guys and girls (alot of whom dont post here anymore for various reasons) who would talk fishing and hang a bit of sh!t every now and then but all in good fun and it was left at that . These days its usually 99% bitchy ness and 1% quality.
its a sad day when much older blokes are bagging out young up and commers for voicing their opinion about catch and release. These young guys are the future of the sport/hobby we all enjoy so much- and hammering them for believing in catch and release isnt going to achieve anything. Times change and so do social views and interests. If you want to kill a big fish go right ahead....if you dont have thick enough skin to hear a comment or 2 about C & R then simply dont post it for all to see. Its an open forum where every one has the right to their opinion.
I usually keep my mouth shut about these issues as ive seen it all a million times on various forums and it always ends up back where it started. with nothing achieved.
for the record i catch and release and catch for a feed if the right species comes aboard. Just my 2 cents.