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For a few reasons I have to be on board starting from next Thursday and will be (or should be) in Tiger Mullet channel on Anzac day and for many days thereafter.
Time of year and tides will not be in our favour and I don't expect to do very well at all.
On Anzac day there is a small high tide (5ft 4in) at noon and a low (2ft) at 6pm which will mean a very slow run in and run out. Also the 25th is five days after the full moon.
Tiger Mullet is a great place to be on days when the wind is strong from the south or southeast and some of my better catches have been on days with strong south east winds. But every other factor is against us.
However, with fish, one never knows.
Perhaps it will be a day better spent in reflection on sacrifice by brave, strong and determined diggers who have ensured our freedom from some of history's monsters.