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Thread: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

  1. #16

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    I am not so sure about that. Bad weather seems to cost me a lot of money!! When I am bored I head down to the boat shops and tackle stores.
    Yup. Bad weather has done that to me. Couldn't go fishing so ended up at the Bait and tackle shops just to have a LOOK around and walked out with a new plastics outfit valued at over $200. I hate when things are on SPECIAL.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  2. #17

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    What is the $50000 for? Stock as well as fittings and good will as well???? 10 shares at $5000 and we are in business . I know so many other things to consider . But still its a thought. Just like buying a boat 5 ways.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Silver Member Mtx's Avatar
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    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Yes except it would likely only work as an "owner operator" I cannot imagine it clearing too much profit over wages if it was done in a share arrangment.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member vb4me's Avatar
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    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Madone and sharkymark2 could be on the money. If it is looked upon as more of a hobby than an investment for say $5000 ea for 10 people then a REAL fishing store might stay alive. Work a roster system between all partners and put all money back into the business. Modernise enough to attract potential customers with the focus on putting newcomers to our great sport/hobby into the right gear without ripping them off and good information to all customers. Bcf and the like are just sellers of gear. Generally not enough experience with the staff to be able to recommend the right gear for the job to people not in the know. The advantage that these larger stores have is the range of product. But if you dont know what you are buying then what is the point. Good range of product, people who really do know what they are talking about and pricing should be a winner.

  5. #20

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Just drove past on my way home from work late this afternoon being the 29th of April (after trading hours) and the shop didn't look as though it had ceased trade. There were no signs suggesting that it was closed for good so perhaps this could mean that the business may have sold? I hope this was the case and the dying breed of "old fashioned" bait and tackle shops will be around a little longer.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  6. #21

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    I would consider investing mad-one
    So would I mate, so would I.
    "Magpie Navy." VHF 73.

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    ....and I never gave her money for the Petrol......

  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Its the Guys who buy there tackle from OS that is causing him to close.


    Quote Originally Posted by Poodroo View Post
    Another local Bait and Tackle shop suffers the fate of many and is going to close its doors for the last time after so many years of trade. "Beenleigh Bait and Tackle" is officially up for sale but if nobody offers to buy it the last day of trade will be the 28th. of April 2008. I was talking to the owner today and he is desperate to sell for just $50,000 which I think is a give away. His business suffered when all the new roadworks took place a while back limiting access to the shop. Will be a sad day to see it no longer trading.



  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member RayDeR's Avatar
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    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing


    Unfortunately, I would think it is not the once a week or even once a month fisherman who keeps these shops open.

    It is the big number of holiday fishermen and occasional weekend fishermen who but the bulk of the gear.

    Where do they go? They go where they seen stuff like they want advertised on fishing shows, on the internet, and in the junk mail. Everyone knows the 3 or 4 stores who support the community by their adbvertising.

    I had a cousin visiting from Melbourne the week beforte last. I had thursday off and we decided to go fishing. I went to a Gold Coast Shop which it has been said on here has blood worms. I have bought beach worms trhere before when he has not got blood worms available.

    I asked "Any worms?" and he said "No but I will have yabbies in the hour.

    I said "so will I, thanks" and went to leave the shop.

    The guy then says "I can't keep worms all the time. You're only the 3rd person this week to ask for worms. I have to buy a hundred at a time and I can't afford to keep them for a few enquiries. Come back at the weekend".

    I said "thanks" and left his store. I felt like I had done the wrong thing in asking for them. He wasn't to know that we would be 700kms away at the weekend. And he won't know why I don't come back again, although I launch my boat only a kilometre or so from his shop.

    There was no "Are you right for hooks and sinkers? or here is my card to phone me to see if I have them before you come next time."

    At least if the big stores dont know what they are talking about they are friendly and will say "Have a nice day". They also allow you to browse through their store without you feeling you are intruding on their day or are going to knock off their stock.

    Ray De R

  9. #24
    Ausfish Bronze Member r3volt's Avatar
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    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    50k? I might buy it and move in for that price

  10. #25

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    Well talking about it didn't save the business. Drove past and the "For Lease" signs are up. Another one bites the dust. He's gone.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2007

    Re: A Sign Of The Times- Another Business Closing

    How can a small independant tackle shop compete with K MART and the likes with Fishing rod and reel and line deals for $28.

    We know the item is as useless as tits on a bull but, it is the bread a butter market for the tackle shop. You and I might be willing to pay 10 times or more for what appears to be the same rig but the bait danglers are not.

    Rex Hunt ,ET and there cheap combos have been the death nell of the small operator. I am sorry but they will all go.

    Buying power, group advertising, mail outs. Who can compete.

    Big is not always better but is ALWAYS more brutal.


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