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Thread: Conspirators - Epirb costs

  1. #46
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    The cost of the build is going to be far outweighed by the costs associated with the satellites that are in orbit waiting for a signal from that EPIRB.

    And whilst the sats are doing more than distress monitoring, they are not cheap. So to those that say they are getting raped cos the innards of the machine cost $50, I say build your own EPIRB, launch your own rocket with your own satellite & have your missus set up the SAR system to look for you if it all goes pear shaped. Or do not worry about carrying an EPIRB. Go to sea, drown & then we won't have to put up with any further drivel on this subject.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  2. #47
    Ausfish Platinum Member Outsider1's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    I look at it this way;

    An EPIRB with a 7 year battery life costs me $400 or about $60 a year. Membership of the local VMR costs me $60 a year. Two of the best value for money purchases a boat owner can make in my view!.

    And I will seriously be considering buying a GPS equipped EPIRB next. I want what ever it takes to find me as quickly as possible if anything ever goes wrong, and price is a secondary consideration.

    What some seem to continue to miss is why they are changing to 406Mhz, 2 reasons basically;

    1) gives a more accurate fix on your position.

    2) enables them to eliminate false alarms via the registration and encoded registration/owner details.



  3. #48
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    1. Also another reason 406 has been specifically designed from the ground up for detection by satellite, 121.5mHz was never ideal and never designed for satellite coverage.

    2. Yes very good point with regard the satellite and ground based infrastructure costs

  4. #49

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    This thread is getting wierder and wierder......I cant even work out who thinks its a conspiracy and who doesnt?

    These devices seem to be priced similar to any other electronic device, relative to manufacture costs, normal profit margins, and supply and demand. Where the heck did a conspiracy theory come from?

    Let those who think its a conspiracy supply some evidence or lets close this thread.

    Petrol prices, now theres a conspiracy.....OPEC is the worlds largest cartel, yet if it was Australian, ACCC would close it down.


  5. #50
    Ausfish Platinum Member Outsider1's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Came across this whilst looking for some other info, thought it interesting in the context of this thread;

    Low cost 406 MHz beacons

    Australia has been instrumental in seeking changes to the Cospas-Sarsat distress beacon specifications to enable manufacturers to produce a low cost distress beacon before the cessation of satellite processing of 121.5 MHz beacons in February 2009. As a consequence the international body, Cospas-Sarsat has revised the specifications slightly that allow alternative technologies to be used that should reduce the price of beacons significantly.

    Australian industry has taken the opportunity to lead in the research and development of distress beacons that has resulted in low cost EPIRBs with prices as low as $400. Local manufacturers are releasing their low cost PLBs into the market in early 2007 with a standard PLB at a recommended retail price of about $400 and the GPS version at about $600.

    Distributors of some imported PLBs are already selling GPS capable PLBs at the recommended retail price of $660.

    Bookmark this page to return frequently to learn of developments with low cost beacons.



  6. #51
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    While I have no evidence to support the idea that someone's making buckets of cash from the sale of EPIRBs I will say that it is likely.

    But we see this in every (deregulated) market in Oz, whether it be food, electricity, fuel, and so on, and so on, and so on. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS!!! Someone did, once. ONCE!!!

    Why? We are a small country, with major issues when it comes to having a competitive market place. Is this a problem? No. Why? I like it small - there are many benefits, and I think they outweigh the pitfalls.

    So when we complain about the cost of a product or service, just shrug, and say "Well, that's Oz for you." Then suck in a lungful of nice clean air, and enjoy the masses of people that aren't around you, and the highrise flats that stretch as far as you can't see!
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  7. #52

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish73 View Post
    If you can't afford $400, you cant afford to go offshore.
    I am sorry mate but pretty stupid comment. Some peeoples circumstances including mine, may not allow them to pull $400 out of there arse. But i can afford $60 for an old one at the moment so i can play by the rules and ensure the safety of me and my passengers until i can afford the $400. Dont get me wrong here though, if i had a spare $400 i would have no hesitation on going straihgt out and buying one, as other members have said, money very very well spent if it is going to save your life.
    Again, just my opinion but a pretty wild statement i feel.
    Last edited by JEWIENEWIE; 08-05-2008 at 03:28 PM.

  8. #53
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Sorry Jewie,

    but I think Hamish is pretty much on the money.

    Add cost of boat & equipment, including hidden costs like rego & insurance, running costs ($100 a day is not that hard)....................

    I see a 1 off purchase at $400 for the added safety it will provide for years to come as reasonable.
    A bit of a bugger to have to replace the existing ones, ( I carry 2, for me & the deckie if worst comes to worst & we get separated) but if the technology is better, it's worth it.

    All that said I hope I never have to use one.


  9. #54

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    I can prove that EPIRB costs are over inflated, but if i provide evidence i would get fired from my job.

    but basically, GME have sold out of one of their 406mhz lines and when they come into stores they will be increasing in price due to the high demand that will be placed on this item for the next 6 - 12 months.

    so for all u non beleivers out there, beleive it, and watch the price rise... don't say i didn't warn u.

  10. #55

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by Local_Guy View Post
    I can prove that EPIRB costs are over inflated, but if i provide evidence i would get fired from my job.

    but basically, GME have sold out of one of their 406mhz lines and when they come into stores they will be increasing in price due to the high demand that will be placed on this item for the next 6 - 12 months.

    so for all u non beleivers out there, beleive it, and watch the price rise... don't say i didn't warn u.
    But thats just simple economics, the higher the demand, coupled with lower supply equals a higher price. I would've thought nearly every tom, dick and harry would know that.

    To sum up what everyone has said, the epirb pricing is not a conspiracy, for a one off purchase you get 6 years piece of mind (and then about 160 for new batteries every 6 years that will last another 6), knowing that you can be located if everything goes balls up. Higher prices in the beginning all come back to R&D costs, like with any new product (when plasma TV's first cam out a standard 42 model sold for up to 20 grand, now you can get a better product with better technology for about 1200).

    Myself, I can't afford to shell out for a new 406 epirb so I don't go off shore, not that I would go far off shore anyway, problem solved.

    Personally, these conspiracy theorists talk about wanting the up most safety and don't flinch when paying VMR fees every year, yet they won't make the VMR's job any easier by purchasing an epirb, putting their's and other lives at risk (the ocean a big place and trying to find a lost person is worse than trying to find a needle in a haystack).

    When it comes to components, well $50 worth of parts would be an overstatement when is comes to costs, but a 42" Plasma TV costs about $80 to manufacture and most don't hesitate in shelling out $1200 or more for one of those.

  11. #56

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Dont get me wrong onerabbit, i am not debating the price of the new ones at all. Small price to pay i feel to know that if you are in trouble help will be on the way. But at this stage for me and my financial circumstance, if i can get an analogue for $60, which i can afford at the moment, i will get one as to allow me to go offshore. As soon as i can aford a digi, i am straight to boat shop. No ones safty should be put on the line for a dollar value. But i do understand where you and Hamish are coming from.
    Just want to state that i wont be leaving the boat on the trailer bacouse i have a analogue epirb not digital.


  12. #57

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Found this on the THT web site, I guess if thats how it works in US. Then my 406 having been registered with AMSA should acheive the same result and in that case it's money well spent on "conspirators"

    OK.. I feel like an igmoramus here... I got my boat out of storage and I'm detailing it, getting ready for the season. I am being real finicky with this cleaning. My EPIRB is mounted on the ceiling of my hardtop over my helm chair -- I noticed dirt on and around the EPIRB so I remove it for cleaning. OOPS... it's strobe starts flashing, I know it is activated -- I sit there thinking WTF???, then I realize that I removed it from its hydro release cradle. I remount it quickly. All of this occured in about 10-15 seconds.

    3 minutes later, my 13 year old brings me the portable phone and says "Hey Dad... its the Coast Guard". I am amazed that that they even responded as short as the beacon was activated, I am more amazed as to how quick they responded. I was very embarres that I did such an idiotic thing, the coast guard officer was very coordial, and I apolgized for the inconvenience.

    Point is... EPIRB's WORK!

  13. #58
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    I cant help thinking that I comment that I made in another thread has started this..... satnav as I have already stated I appologise. My comment was not directed at EPIRB's specifically but at all boat related items, I same can be said for those ofus who own 4x4's. Im sure marine shops have the idea..well if you can afford a boat you can afford to pay inflated prices. The value that an EPIRB gives you far outweights the cost.

    What p*** me off is that ALL boat products are dearer. For example a plastic 9lt bucket in a large boating camping and fishing chain is almost 3 times the price that it is in my local IGA corner store. Stainless steel screws also have higher prices.

    I supose the Conspiracy part comes into it when anything made "Mandatory" the price jumps try going to replace a seatbelt for your car. The stores have you by the goolies and they know it.

  14. #59

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    stingau. its called consumer demand, not conspiracy. Volume sales will always mean reduced prices. IGA probably buys a whole lot more stock because they have a whole lot more shops, hence they get volume discounts. If every person had a boat, and every suburb had a marine store, then natuarally the price would come down.

  15. #60
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    1. So if there is this "marine/boating cost thing" then how do you explain then that a PLB which is NOT a marine version is more expensive than a marine EPIRB? Pocket size, convenience, light weight and yet more expensive and only work for half the time of an EPIRB. My guess there is probably similar (or more) PLB's sold than EPIRBS?

    2. The USCG response after 10-15 seconds is a bit off the mark as all Epirbs have to have an activation 60 second transmission delay built-in for just such occurances.

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