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Thread: Conspirators - Epirb costs

  1. #16

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    I totally agree.
    I really don't understand some of you guys.
    When I'm sitting alone in my tinny at night on the edge of the shelf 70 km's from land the $4oo bucks I paid for my epirb seems very insignificant.


    It is a far, far better thing to have fished and lost, than never to have fished at all.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Who are the conspirators?

    the IMO and sub-commitees COMSAR & MSC, or the SOLAS Convention?
    AMSA & AusSAR?
    the Navigation Act 1912, Qld Transport - Maritime Safety Qld?
    the manufacturers?
    the retailers?
    that's a lot of conspirators,

    consider a 406 Mhz beacon cost $3500.00 10 years ago. part of my job was to weekly test a float-free 406's mounted on the monkey island's of merchant ships. I'm not sure how long the 406 frequency has been monitored, though the planning to cease monitoring 121.5 has been in place for a considerable time. Manufacturers were advised to create beacons suitable for the rec market, hence the smaller size, and reduced cost.

    $350-400 doesn't seem a large outlay to monumentally enhance your chances of detection if the beacon is activated.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Silver Member Simmo2's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    I must have missed the 'other' thread....
    This one makes no sense to me at all.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member skipalong's Avatar
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    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    by the time you need it they will be c heaper

  5. #20

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by Simmo2 View Post
    I must have missed the 'other' thread....
    This one makes no sense to me at all.
    Count yourself lucky simmo2

    It is a far, far better thing to have fished and lost, than never to have fished at all.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Interesting that there has been no mention of the extraordinary costs to both the community and funded rescue organisations in chasing 121.5MHz false alerts. I believe that the figure stands at 97% of all callouts. A good friend (Westpac Pilot) truly despises the shortcomings of the analogue system.

    If we adopt 406MHz registration/change of registration, as required, then clearly the problem goes away. If we do not then clearly the problem remains........ to a lesser degree.

    Perhaps the SAR authorities should conspire to factor in a levy on 406 pricing to cover the costs of 121.5 callouts up to and including Feb 2009?

    Just a theory.........

  7. #22
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    It,s a life saving device for all on a boat when she runs into trouble. It,s also a device which will help the air/sea rescue locate boats in trouble quicker. $400 is cheap insurance, those who whinge, ask the vmr how it now makes there job a little easier. Buy one or don,t fish off shore. Polky

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jul 2005

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    What load of crap this had turned out to be.
    As Polky said, buy one or don't fish off shore.
    What's worth more, $400- to save your life or
    pissing it up against the wall.

  9. #24

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Yeah well I am going to wait for Dick Smith to come out with a kit.

    cheers fnq

  10. #25

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    Yeah well I am going to wait for Dick Smith to come out with a kit.

    cheers fnq
    You'll be waiting a long time as dick smith doesn't own the chain. That why a lot of the stuff in there is rubbish

  11. #26

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    Yeah well I am going to wait for Dick Smith to come out with a kit.

    cheers fnq
    Be careful, the kit might have been assembled by David Hicks............

    It is a far, far better thing to have fished and lost, than never to have fished at all.

  12. #27

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    What a joke.......whos worried about money? If your treading water with your lifejacket on, and it comes down to a choice of how long it takes to locate you, I know what I will be saying.....

    Im not worried about dollars, Im worried about noahs arks.

    If you cant afford one, dont go offshore. Or maybe you should go out and sink with an anologue epirb, and then we'll watch you buy a digital one with the benefit of hindsight.

    You guys crack me up.


  13. #28
    Ausfish Bronze Member r3volt's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    Id rather spend $400 on an eripb then on 8 packets of flares anyday...

  14. #29

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    i think you guys have missed the point of this thread.

    we are talking about the cost of an epirb. not the fact that Mr X can or can't afford one.

  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Conspirators - Epirb costs

    1. I believe it has become quite apparent that current cost of a 406 Epirb is better value for money than the previous outdated model

    2. There would really be a problem if this was not the case.

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