Hi All,
I recently joined the IGFA (International Game Fishing Association) as an individual member as I was interested in accessing some world record information about PNG Black Bass. I'll be heading that way for an eight day trip later this year and wanted to see how 'reachable' the current records were. Based on what I saw, there's a chance I've already landed record fish on previous trips, but at the time claiming records was nothing I even thought about.
On the IGFA site I sussed out the section about the various species eligible for record applications but PNG Black Bass WAS NOT THERE...!!!
BUT, further along it WAS there but not as a bass.
It was listed as SNAPPER, PAPUAN BLACK (Latin name: Lutjanua Goldiei)
I asked a mate in the fishing club in PNG and he suggested that the yanks - who like to be 'biggest and best' didn't want their native species undermined by a gigantic usurper from abroad, so they got around it by classifying the PNG Black Bass as a member of the SNAPPER family..!
Apparently Mangrove Jack are also considered to be part of that same 'snapper' genus...what? Wouldn't read about it, would you!
So we had better contact the editor of Fishing World (Mr Fisho) and the other fishing mags too and tell they that they are no longer to run any stories about PNG Black Bass as there IS NO SUCH FISH...! according to the IGFA categories.
Rather, they should calling them "PAPUAN BLACK SNAPPER" Doesn't sound right!
So back to my question "When is a bass, not a bass??"
Obviously the answer is "When it's a Papuan Black Snapper!"
Any thoughts..???