yup...love catching it (when the fish godess smiles apon me)...love eating it
yup...love catching it (when the fish godess smiles apon me)...love eating it
Used to love eating them........until my recent experience with a bit of ciguatera. Mistakenly had some eggs this morning for brekkie.......been nauseous and crapping all day. Still love to fish tho. Missus christened her beach rod today with a little cobia.
You just gotta love seafood... potato scallops are a particular favourite.... ...
yeah fresh fish is great, catch it and eat it that night off the barby... and natural oysters straight off the rocks is the go too...
I have always just eaten the usual "fish & chip shop" fish until recently when my hubby introduced me to fishing ... now, I have the taste for Coral Trout & Red Emperor. If I could have them dished upto me every night I would.
Fish "at least" twice a week is suppose to be very good for your health ..
Shut Up and Eat Fish !!
..... Love My Haines Hunter .....
I love fish.. Nothing like eating a fresh catch
Yeah I love fish. I love eating anything that smells like fish.
I love fish, will eat it 3-4 times a week unless the freezer's empty. I can only get out on weekends, and as you all know, not every weekend has perfect weather. Lucky I only catch fish (when I do) that freeze well, those that don't get eaten straight away.
Nannygai and trout are my favourite, and if i get a decent one, it can be upto 3 feeds out of the fillets for a family of 5.
YEP! I love eating fish. That is the only reason I go fishing.
i dont really like the taste of fish and it takes too much effort to prepare. C&R for me
I love fresh fish. But unfortunately cant seem to catch my own. So i buy what looks fresh at the fish shops and supermarkets. Sometimes the fish there can be rather good.
Mate, I would eat fish every day if I could. Freshly caught is best but ocassionaly I get desperate enough to buy some.
only way to know how fresh it is...and how it's been stored.
when i catch a fish, it's almost a special thing. in a way it honours the fish's life when you appreciate the eating. i never take a fish or any seafood if i'm not going to use it. love oysters straight off the rocks, salt water and all. yum.
The body is evil .... it must be punished.
Nope not a big fan I have but I have never targeted a species to eat its all sport I think its a growing trend!!! Its great aslong as u dont kill the fish in the release!!
Dont think we are weird that we dont like fish Its still the best hobby in the world!!!
Cheers Simon
Fresh snapper, pearl perch, flathead, yum! You can't beat food that nobody had a chance to mess with and have fun catching it.