We decided we'd put a few hours in under the bridge tonight. Wife's birthday and she really wanted to go, and not having fished there before we were both looking forward to it! Boat ready and packed and head up after work. It was about 6.30 when we got there, tide running in, but quite windy. We parked and walked along the waters edge looking out and thought it was a bit sloppy but not too bad. Headed to the ramp and noticed not one single other car there. We decided that if none of you people were out there tonight then there must be something wrong. Wind too strong, too much weed?
We went for a drive over the bridge and even on the Bribie side there were no cars and trailers, and looking out to the bridge we could not see a single boat fishing. We had a picnic in the park, fished for a bit off the sand, and then came home.
I have to admit I felt a bit creepy thinking that not even one single person has a car/trailer at the ramp. If all the local knowledge decided not to go, I wasn't either.
What chased everyone? Please I'd like to know so that I don't go to that sort of trouble again if I can recognise prior signs.