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Thread: Handling Catties

  1. #1

    Handling Catties

    Hi folks,

    Off to Wivenhoe this weekend and likely to end up with a few Catties - I have just found out they have spines that can deliver a nasty sting, so can someone please tell me the best / safest way of handling these fish?


  2. #2

    Re: Handling Catties

    Hey Teapot,
    The best way is to use lip grippers to hold them or stick your thumb in there gob and hold ther bottom jaw as they have no teeth. The second way just be very carefull where the hooks /lure is. A cheap pair of lip grippers are only about $19

    Cheers Foxie
    Always Think Like A Fish - No Matter How Weird It Gets

  3. #3

    Re: Handling Catties

    In addition to what Foxie said. once you have the fish safely secured in the grippers and you lure removed...................REPEATEDLY BLUDGEN THE FISH ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH THE HARDEST AND BIGGEST IMPLEMENT YOU CAN LAY YOUR HANDS ON!!

  4. #4

    Re: Handling Catties

    What kind of catties are they....eel tail or fork ???

  5. #5

    Re: Handling Catties

    You can hold them safely behind the head.
    Slide your hand up their body until the dorsal spine sits between thumb & pointer finger then hold on.

    Treat unwanted fish with respect......

  6. #6

    Re: Handling Catties

    Have caught tonnes of catties at awoonga and in the Fittzroy. The best way is definitely use a lip gripper and release boat side. They only have spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins so beware of this. Also remember to remove the slime so often left on your line after catching a cattie, otherwise the only thing you should expect to catch there after will the more catties, just wipe the stuff off.

    If you get spiked cover or immerse the wound with HOT water, as hot as bearable. This will deamminate the protein (break down) and reduce the symptoms/effects of the toxin.


  7. #7

    Re: Handling Catties

    Easy, dont handle them at all. Long nose pliers are good, grab the treble and shake them off. Dont even need to get them in your boat (they'll slime everything) hold them over the side and shake them free.

  8. #8

    Re: Handling Catties

    Razor sharp Puma knife... straight to the throat

    They are becoming more of a neusance up here lately (influx of water... pushing them out of the Creeks) so I too am keen to find out how to deal with them if I catch one (touch wood!)

    The 'dont touch them at all' approach sounds good to me... shake them into an iced Esky and take the bastards home.



  9. #9

    Re: Handling Catties

    If you really must kill one for whatever reason, they have a small marking on the top of their head, forward of the dorsal fin. This mark is above a slight gap in the skull, insert the knife, most humane way to kill a cattie, but only in the most dire of circumstances.
    Other than that, I can't add much except as stated, be vewy careful they hurt like hell if they get you

  10. #10

    Re: Handling Catties

    Don't bring them into the boat!! They stink the carpet out for days, just when you think it's gone, another waft cames past. pliers will be you best friend.
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  11. #11

    Re: Handling Catties

    Quote Originally Posted by the_matrix View Post
    Easy, dont handle them at all. Long nose pliers are good, grab the treble and shake them off. Dont even need to get them in your boat (they'll slime everything) hold them over the side and shake them free.
    But be careful as they will often void their bowells while you're doing this and you end up with muddy sh*t splattered over the side of your lovely white boat!!


  12. #12

    Re: Handling Catties

    At the risk of getting offside with some on my third post (you get that) catties or any other fish for that matter don't need to be bashed to death because they're considered a pest.

    At further risk of ridicule (I got no pride ) I reckon the big ones are great to catch, might not go like a barra but take a wide variety of lures, this one was taken off Lake Kununurra on a surface crawler by my young fella.

    As for treating the injury, hot water's great but so to is pi$$ing on it, when its all you got its worth the shot, the pain is pretty intense.

    Seen the result of a cattie left on the rocks to die, got trod on a few days later, the spine went through a wetboot and right into the foot, poor fella was in a bad way by the time they got him to a hospital.

  13. #13

    Re: Handling Catties

    Always carry Stingose with you when there are catties around. It works ok and the pain only lasts a little while unlike all day without it. It really really hurts!

    The catties in Big W grow to over two feet long and while a bit ugly to look at taste ok when filleted and done on the BBQ.

    Good luck


  14. #14

    Re: Handling Catties

    BTW, I guess you know that they have closed off the decent fishing spots and you need a key to open the gates and get in?


  15. #15

    Re: Handling Catties

    Some heavy info above. I dont let them get too close, the large ones can be fairly strong.

    In most cases they have taken my hook and I cut the line and get back to serious fishing. No risk. Just a lost hook.

    They have there place on the planet, when I find out I will let you know.

    Regards Gordon

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