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Thread: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    1. Perhaps we should be talking about stupid theories instead of stupid comparisons.

    2. A fish finder does not have the capability to save your life like a 406 epirb

    3. A 406 is a 121.5 and 406 in the one unit

    4. The 406 gives almost instant notification AND verification of a problem

    5. New model batteries have increased life of around 7 years compared to the old 5 years

    6. A 406 is actually designed to be tracked "properly" by satellite, a 121.5 was never designed to do this

    7. A 121.5 cost around 230 odd dollars and yet some are complaining about the cost of a 406 at 360 to 400 $$

    8. Yes you do need evidence to support your stupid misinformed statement

  2. #17

    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    who said i was misinformed. i was merely stating my opinion. why do people have problems with other peoples opinion on this site.

    but the older EPIRBS can be picked up for $50. not 230 odd dollars.

    i'm not going to continue this. you don't want to view my point of view, only yours which you deem 100% corrent, so i'm wasting my breath.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    1. $50 for 9 months service, $230 for 5 years service, Yes you are being ripped off paying $50 for something that is second hand and outdated even at this point in time.

    2. You were not asked to justify your opinion, you were asked to provide evidence to support your stupid conspiracy statement, there is a difference between those two.

    3. You can either not continue this and not try and justify you conspiracy statement or perhaps in the first place not made such a stupid statement which you can't justify anyway

    4. The choice is your's really

  4. #19

    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Local Guy, I will try and explain it rationally for you. I used to design and manufacture electronics for a living.

    When you design a new product, it costs a lot more than most people think. First up you have development costs. This consists of intitial development, prototyping. The cost here alone is significant, especially if you have to trash a design and start from scratch. Once you have finished prototyping and proofing, you need to make your product market ready. This means your device needs to be approved by relevant bodies. Being a saftey device these costs are huge. If they find a fault, you may have to go back to the start again. In this whole iterative process is tooling costs. To make a mould for the plastic case might cost $100k per part, if your case needs many parts, add them in too. There is also tooling cost for manufacturing the circuit board, and tooling cost for assembly of the circuit board.

    Now once you have the device at a market ready state, you start manufacturing. This process will find faults that need redesign. Once you start shipping units you find faults that are only found when devices are used in realistic environments. SO now you need to factor in the cost of warantee repairs and replacement. Futhermore you need to factor in the cost of litigation (insurance is not cheap as we all know).

    So why is the 121Mhz so cheap? There is a break even point when manufacturing. You need to sink the cost of millions of dollars of development and approvals. Your estimated break even point might require you to sell 1 million devices. Once you have acheived this, your product is stable and you can start reducing costs. To make it economical to manufacture, you need to mass produce. If you have 50,000 devices in a warehouse that will be useless in 2 years then your best bet is flog them off to cover expenses.

    So given time the cost will be reduced. I hope that helps, its a shame others have to resort to insults rather than providing real information.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Thanks for that realandy what you say makes a lot more sense than some rude obnoxious statment that some other so called experts contribute ,thanks again andy i am sure we all appreciate it....matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  6. #21

    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    self deleted post
    Last edited by Local_Guy; 19-04-2008 at 07:51 AM.

  7. #22

    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Quote Originally Posted by Local_Guy View Post
    i know your directing that comment at me, but where the hell did i mention i was an expert.

    like i first said in my post... it's a conspiracy theory, it's a bit of fun and i'm allowed my opinion, not to be shot down by every wanab out there.
    Mate it was not aimed at you.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Isn't it good how a company gives a struggling fisho a good bit of aussie warranty.

    What are you others on about . You could start your own thread you know.


  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    "Isn't it good how a company gives a struggling fisho a good bit of aussie warranty."

    1. Yes that's not bad warranty, backup and support

    2. Unfortuneately the conspiracy theorists had to raise issues which as usual they can't support or even attempt to support

    3. Even worse there are those that then initially talk some sense but as usual throw in the snide attitude poor punch line

    4. I have enough confidence in what I say to be able to support everything I say without having to resort to this poor attitude as displayed by RealAndy and bluefin59.

    5. Oh so the adamant conspiracy statement was a bit of fun? Was it now?

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Seem to be getting off the topic here. 121 epirbs are finished in feb 2009 the frequency will be turned off. thats why 121's are so cheap cause retailers have to get rid of their stock and they only have a life of 10months!!!!! come feb next year you can activate your 121 but you will be waiting a long time! itz just the classic story of analogue vs digital! where throwing away analogue and going to digital!



  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    1. I would be more inclined to say 121.5 epirb detection lost full functionality some time ago.

    2. Several countries have already mandated the non use of 121.5 epirbs for this and other reasons.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    IM SORRY TO SAY SAT NAV BUT 121 IS STILL BEING MONITORED IN AUSTRALIA AND WILL BE UNTIL FEB 2009! and people can check this with Marintime Safety Queesnland


  13. #28

    Exclamation Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    "To my surprise they have given me a new MT400, 406 Mhz unit in replacement of the old unit and I am over the moon."

    Just remember to register the unit with AMSA to get your MMSI (identification) number. Have a look on :


  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic


    1. I'm sorry to say that is not what I said, was it? Did not mention anything about not being monitored? Did I?

    2. I said 121.5 detection has lost full functionality, there is not the same number of satellites monitoring 121.5 has there has been in past years.

    3. Hence 121.5 detection is not at full strength or capability as it was several years ago

  15. #30
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: GME Epirb warranty is fantastic

    Quote Originally Posted by SatNav View Post

    1. I'm sorry to say that is not what I said, was it? Did not mention anything about not being monitored? Did I?

    2. I said 121.5 detection has lost full functionality, there is not the same number of satellites monitoring 121.5 has there has been in past years.

    3. Hence 121.5 detection is not at full strength or capability as it was several years ago
    A little contradiction there. You say its lost full functionality but then say its not at full strength. however it must just be my reading.


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