a couple of pics from prev reports finally got the photos bac tonight
a couple of pics from prev reports finally got the photos bac tonight
awsome fish there and a great spot to live
That tuna pic turned out good!
Some great fish there ryan keep up the good work!!!
Nice jew there Ryan. There's nothing like watching the looks on the faces of the public when you walk past them carrying a 15+kg jew on your shoulder.
Cheers Freeeedom
mate a 8kg schooly looks huuugggeeee to the public
tuna looks real good ryan , nice one.
great pics mate makes me jelous with only 1x8.5 kilo fish on the board so far but i really believe they have to be in your spot to catch them and you have some good ones sounds like it is the home of jewies hears hoping our numbers increase as it gets colder in Queensland
Ryan, the funniest moment this year was when brian had a tailor out for tuna and wound in to get another drift and a lady asked to get a photo with his "big" fish! She nearly fainted when she found out it was her bait.
Sounds like the time a mate of mine was walking back from Hell's Gates at Noosa when an 'amateur' walking out with a little five foot rod asks him "any luck mate?". Before my mate could tell him that he'd got a couple of nice tailor the bloke looks in his shoulder bag and says "Gee they're pretty good aren't they?" Only trouble was he was looking at the left over pilchards!!!
True story!
Cheers Freeeedom