It all ready been done..
And what I was implying in the other thread was, smaller cats tend to be more unstable then a mono.... Considering the amount off first time boat ownerships, and the great majority off those would be mono, you would expect to see a lot more mono-hull roll overs... And with a ratio off boats on the water, off at least 20/1 in favor off the mono. We still tend to see more Cats upside-down in the water....
I have been in a few smaller cats, and I would never ever own a cat under 6m. From my experience they tend to dig in on one side too easy, and that can spell big trouble....
I have been in a few 35ft+ cats, and I loved them. And on one particular night I was on a 52ft Cat, and I was so glad I was on it, rather then a mono. Big swell, big chop and howling wind. With waves coming over the deck. That night I thought I was never going to make it back home, and if did I would be dead because I was sooo sea sick...