Ive got to say that some of the comments on here are rediculous!!! If i was hit side on by a breaking wave in a bar i would much rather be in a mono!!! ( Not you mono
) Of course a cat will roll, the downhill side hull is going to dig in !!! A mono MAY be lucky enough to ride it out!! Of course the mono may sink if it goes over the cat will float! BUT why am i even mentioning this who gets hit SIDE on in a bar?
Please explain? i haven't got any idea what your talking about? I assume your saying that a cat will go over backwards?
By the looks of your avtar you own a Seafarer Vermont? Great boat good hull and quick i've spent about 200hrs driving one
In anything under 12 knots it will blow my 5.2 kc away( been in one going 100km/per hr offshore) but it does have a few issues for offshore work although the hull is well and truely up to the task the lack of height foward means any wave you take on the nose will and does end up in the boat ( been there ) and the same lack of volume foward means that running down hill it is very easy to drive it into and through a wave with the result being 100's of litres of water in the boat ( Been there aswell ) And as they are not self draining this can be a major issue! But if you only head out on great days there a good boat but i would go pointing out problems with cats mate as they are a far safer boat for offshore work than most mono's!!
There is a certain brand of cats that are tending to skew the roll over figure;s a bit aswell ,there hull shape is more like a mono with a tunnel cut oyt rather than a 2 hulls joined together . take these out of the equation and cats roll overs are less common!
Pps btw i've scared myself and my crew a few times in mine digging in a hull , but as far a a roll over goes i think it would be very difficult your more likely to do a 180 degree broach as 1 hull lifts completely out of the water