I visit Tangalooma every year around december and was Just wondering what would be the best places to fish Moreton Island (relatively close to the resort) on foot, or close to the resort in a small tinny.
All help appreciated!!
I visit Tangalooma every year around december and was Just wondering what would be the best places to fish Moreton Island (relatively close to the resort) on foot, or close to the resort in a small tinny.
All help appreciated!!
"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't."
Cheers, Dylan
Bream: 40cm - Whiting: 41cm - Flathead: 62cm
I have fished a bit at morton island
if you want to catch snapper legal by 2 3 cm
dusk at the Tangalooma wrecks only 5m off shore squid/pillys pippis if you can get them .There are a lot of kingys/macks/tuna/preditors
especially north of wrecks towards curtin and further to bulwer
there is also a drop off before curtin as you are coming up
the island
South plenty of sand weed some rock but not much
can give one or two gps marks
Hey, just a couple of questions on that.
- So if i walk north on the beach up to were the wrecks are, i can cast from the shore using pillies/squid and get some fish?? I probably wont need the GPS marks as dont have a GPS system.
- Also, if i wanted to take a boat over there, 5.5m stingray bowrider (not really designed for rough seas) would that be easy or if the wind got up a bit would it be a bit rough getting over and back???
"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't."
Cheers, Dylan
Bream: 40cm - Whiting: 41cm - Flathead: 62cm
You can cast from shore at wrecks not a prob
Depending on where your leaving from and wind/tide direction
I have 4.2 m I like to follow tide out and home again
It takes me 35 min to 1 hour depending on wind
but the fishing with a boat on morton is worth
up to an hour trip on the bay
for me anyway
Have you a 4wd there is always the barge??
"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't."
Cheers, Dylan
Bream: 40cm - Whiting: 41cm - Flathead: 62cm
i find the jetty awesoem fun except for all the pike. throw out a live pike at night for the big fish that lurk around don't do it during the day as the coomerans will eat them.
Breaming is my LIFE!!!
"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't."
Cheers, Dylan
Bream: 40cm - Whiting: 41cm - Flathead: 62cm
mate, ive seen mackeral, snapper, kingfish and all sorts of fish caught off that jetty, just take a few bait jigs with you and you will get as many hardiheads as you need for live bait. plenty of sharks caught off there at night as well....
The pike are pretty easy to catch at night, just drop plastics down under the lights. During the day, get onto the gangways and cast plastics underneath the jetty, as they don't venture too far from cover during the day. As keechie said, don't live bait during the day, all you'll do is hook the cormorants.
Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill
nope i don't go there too often i have only been once and that was last year in september but i am keen as to go again. While i was there i fished all day and finished at about 6:30 only because we stayed in one of the houses above tangalooma resort and it had no lights leading up to our rental house. back to the fishing any hardbodies or plastics will catch you a pike, i actually could catch them with my eyes closed and the lure hanging 30cm above the water there is so many. bream any flickbaits, powerbaits or gulps will pull them in as well as those new squidgy critters. i wouldn't recomend using hardbodies as they are quite expensive and 1 hit from a pike on 4lb will usually see the lure or plastic disapeared. ok baits, as you may of noticed i am not much of a bait fisherman and am more of a lure fisho. i did see some nice fish being pulled on hardy heads and our hardy head immitation lure was getting smashed. there was alot pulled on prawns but beware you will pull alot of undesized fish, squid pulled its fair share also. rigs depends on what you are targetting bream on plastics you will want 8lb max and hardbodies 8-12lb just too keep a few lures. Take a squid jig also plenty too be caught at some times. fishing for the bigger stuff i would probably go the rig you pulled that 90cm makeral on and about a 60lb leader because you often get a few big tuna swimming through there, even out of season. i hope it helps if you wan tany mroe help just simply reply.
Breaming is my LIFE!!!
I have fished the wrecks many times from both the beach and a boat without success. Just south of the wrecks though, and before you get to the resort has produced heaps a fish all at different times of day and tides. This can be fished from the bank, and if you have a boat only 25 - 30 meters offshore. I have caught all types of reef fish and your standard bread and butter's. Have had a couple of bad days when only mother inlaws were bighting.
The large metal walkways that they can raise and lower on both sides of the jetty. They use them for getting passengers on and off the flyer/jet/express. They normally have a rope to keep people off them... can't say it's stopped me. You can get a good cast underneath the jetty from the gangways.
Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill
"The two best times to fish is when it's rainin' and when it ain't."
Cheers, Dylan
Bream: 40cm - Whiting: 41cm - Flathead: 62cm
strictly 4wd as far as i know maybe black top (bitimen)at resort and houses around Tangalooma
but its like everone is saying right time and tide is the key cause i have caught nice fish at all the spots i mentioned
If not drift from wrecks to jetty allways catch something
drifting at morton but dont be shy with lb of line
I use 30lb braid with 40lb mono leader and still lose fish
i keep telling myself its the mono not the fisherman![]()
maybe i should go heaver myself???