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Thread: bass beginner

  1. #1

    bass beginner

    hi bass fishos, i think i have bass sickness and havent even caught one yet its got me good, been watching AFC dvd iam hooked how do we get started , ihave two boats 4m/5.5m long both tinnies are they to noisey for bass fishing , would like to get into the comp fishing. never been bass fishing before, i have fished hard bodies before used toss for hours and always catch fish. i like the comp side of things where you put your fishing skills to the test agents other compediters,like where arethe fish holding ,what type of day sunny ,overcast, windy,or raining. what type of lure to cast on those days . what do i do to get started. please conment ad heeney

  2. #2

    Re: bass beginner

    mate bass fishing is awsome i dont know were you live but if you can find a river or dam that has got them in there just cast different lures at them untill one gets smashed then work thoes lures. if it is muddy water use lures that have a bit more of a shine or britter colour. and vice verser


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