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Thread: rod repair/restoration help needed

  1. #1

    Unhappy rod repair/restoration help needed

    guys - need some advice pls...

    Grandfathers fishing rod I use snapped in half yesterday - seems the wood centre just rotted.

    I won't throw it away cos of its sentimental value (Pop passed away and gave me this as a gift a while back).

    where can I get it repaired in the Redlands area and is it repairable? I presume it is, but who can look after it and do a good job so I can use it again and again.
    Don't want to simply hang it up - he gave it to me to use it.

    advice appreciated - cheers

  2. #2

    Re: rod repair/restoration help needed

    Buds Bait and Tackle in Cleveland has a resident rod maker and repairer. That is where I get any of my repairs done.



  3. #3

    Re: rod repair/restoration help needed

    hi mik01 if ya can get it to yamba nsw i can help i do alot of repairs and restorations of old fishing rods especially split cane depending on where the break is to wether or not you will be able to fish with it or hang it on the wall any questions please dont hesitste to pm me ryan

  4. #4

    Re: rod repair/restoration help needed

    Can you put up some photos so we can see what damage is done and that way we can help you better.


  5. #5

    Re: rod repair/restoration help needed


    Mate It depends on where it has broken. All rods can be repaired but whether they can be used again is dependant on where it has broken
    Any repairs will limit the rods action
    I can repair the rod for you but I live on the Northside, Strathpine Area


  6. #6

    Re: rod repair/restoration help needed

    belated thanks to all who have offered help above.
    have dropped it off at Bud's and will see what happens when I pick it up this friday.

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