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Thread: Pine River jew double-up!

  1. #16

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    Quote Originally Posted by gaintsquid View Post
    Hey mate, how do you rig your live prawns? through the tail? or just thread through the body like you would with a dead prawn? ta
    I use a 1/0 or 2/0 French pattern hook once through the second last segment of the prawn's body before the tail, from the side. Make sure you don't go too low on the body because the prawns nerve cord runs along the bottom of its body and if you damage it the prawn will die quickly.
    Cheers Freeeedom

  2. #17

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    Quote Originally Posted by jcerv2 View Post
    nice fishe there mate!
    just wondering where is the pine?

    cheers James!!!
    Hi James

    The Pine River runs from the gap between Sandgate and Redcliffe (crossed by the Hornibrook and Houghton Highways) up past Dohle's Rocks, Deep Water Bend, under the freeway bridges just past Bald Hills where the Gateway Road joins the highway and up to Lawnton/Petrie. It's navigable up to Petrie but is a canoe or kayak proposition after that, almost as far as the North Pine Dam (you can't get much above Draper's Crossing at Warner).
    Here's a Google Earth pic of the area
    Cheers Freeeedom

  3. #18

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    I was up there for a while yesterday, i took my 5 year old niece for a run and a bit of a fish....we only stayed at the bridge for a little while(she said it was toooo noisy and we had to move)...i took her up the sth pine and then back down and had a drift around the flats down near the horny....she picked up a little flathead and was happy.......was that you solo in the bowrider ?
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  4. #19

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    Quote Originally Posted by juju View Post
    I was up there for a while yesterday, i took my 5 year old niece for a run and a bit of a fish....we only stayed at the bridge for a little while(she said it was toooo noisy and we had to move)...i took her up the sth pine and then back down and had a drift around the flats down near the horny....she picked up a little flathead and was happy.......was that you solo in the bowrider ?

    No Juju - wasn't me
    Cheers Freeeedom

  5. #20

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    Obe- Wan Jewnobi- the force is strong in you......
    As always- 'on ya Freeedom!!

  6. #21

    Re: Pine River jew double-up!

    nice fish mate

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