Originally Posted by
I agree with Pinhead. Placing the recreational fishos attention on one spot in the bay is not a good thing, the less said about this "magical"place the better.
Sorry, but i dont think that not having the long and lats is going to make one bit of difference, anyone who can read a map will be able to find it.
I hope this doesnt affect the bay too badly, the EPA should be shot for releasing this info, idiots....Environmental Pofda Agency
That level of detail about any natural resoursce should never be released to the public - what were they thinking? Is this a way for them to put more weight behind green zones?
I normally fish 60 kms offshore, i feel sorry for those only with small tinnies if this does hurt the fish stocks in the bay, I hope it doesnt.
Ouch........ is it possible they could release this kinda map for the offshore reef systems....I am starting to hate the technology I have become so fond of.