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Thread: SS hook?

  1. #1

    SS hook?

    I removed this hook from the guts a Cod on the gold coast, last night. It's showing no sighs of rust ect., but I wouldn't have thought it was Stainless. Am I wrong? It looks to be a standard old Mustard to me. Even if it is stainless, which I guess now it must be, I'd have thought it would be slightly rusty.I'd be happy enough to pull this out of a new box of hooks. What's your thoughts?
    If it's yours, I've got it PM me and ID it and I'll give it back. (for a small reward)Attachment 24574

  2. #2

    Re: SS hook?

    If it is not stainless then the cod has only had it in its guts for a day.

  3. #3

    Re: SS hook?

    mate imaginge if you hadn't caught him bet he would of wished he was dead when he went to pass that out the back end

  4. #4

    Re: SS hook?

    Yeah its just a day old, I agree. Cods are greedy buggers, they eat anything.

  5. #5

    Re: SS hook?

    Some time back, I hooked up on a snag with a sp, at high tide just on dark, I went back in the morning and retrieved it at low tide because I'm a tight ass. The hook was stuffed, the point was gone and barb disappeared through corrosion. That was about 12 hours from a new hook. This hook is almost perfect, I can't believe it, the wonders of cod oil maybe

  6. #6

    Re: SS hook?

    Didley maybe the hook you retrieved from the snag was exposed to the air over-night. Oxygen will speed up the process of corrosion. Ben

  7. #7

    Re: SS hook?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOOEY View Post
    Didley maybe the hook you retrieved from the snag was exposed to the air over-night. Oxygen will speed up the process of corrosion. Ben
    Yes Ben, I think that might be it.

  8. #8

    Re: SS hook?

    For a hook to rust it NEEDS oxygen. If a hook is underwater it will take at least a
    week to show signs of corrosion. I think I heard this on rex hunt one time. Tell me im wrong because im unsure.
    Ahhhhh, To be young and Free

  9. #9

    Re: SS hook?

    I caught a little squire the other night (around 30 cm) with an enormous 3/O sticking out his bum. The barb and shank were totally exposed, but the eye was still inside him. He seemed to be having issues passing it out of his system and the eye of the hook seemed to be locking the hook in place.

    The hook was in good nick, as was the fish. Amazingly, he seemed to have no damage. I pulled it out (carefully) and returned him to his home to the call of "Hit the showers champ".


    PS - It didn't look comfortable but I was amazed as to how uneffected he seemed to be

  10. #10

    Re: SS hook?

    After eating all the crap that small squire are raised on a hook probably wouldnt be the worst of things they digest. Some of the oyster shells and crap that comes out of thier gut is sharp on every single edge where a hook has one sharp point. What is really amazing tho is thier digestive track must change location to move that hook through the entire journey then out its bum. Thats gotta be a tad uncomfortable and cause the odd tummy pain i would think. Be like us swallowing swords and getting the hilt caught ..... just when you thought it was all over.....


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