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Thread: The Long and Winding Road to Koombooloomba

  1. #16

    Re: The Long and Winding Road to Koombooloomba

    Quote Originally Posted by rc@hinze View Post
    I always thought that very high resolution cameras were not a great advantage when just viewing over the internet. What resolution do you take them at and what do you bring them back to for posting
    Hi Richard, part of the reason we got the camera and housing was so our photos could be used in magazines. We have found though, that amateur fishing photography is a pleasure in itself. After you come home it's great to go through the pics from the day and re-live the experiences all over again.

    The photo resolution is set at 180dpi with dimensions of 4000 x 3000 pixels -- that's around 56 x 42cm. The filesize of each pic ranges between 3.6 meg and 6.7 meg at that setting.

    To upload the pics to Ausfish I reduce the width to 650 pixels and drop the resolution to 72dpi (I use Photoshop but there are plenty of other apps that do the same job). That usually puts the filesize at 40-120kb, which I figure is a good size for most people's internet connections.

    Good cameras are getting cheaper all the time; if you were to buy our model now I'm sure you'd get it for cheaper than we did!

  2. #17

    Re: The Long and Winding Road to Koombooloomba

    Good on you Dave & Nic! Looks like a lovely little spot.

    Is it kayakable safely do you think?

    I've been thinking about doing a long weekend out at Lake Dalrymple... Might have to try and organise something...

  3. #18

    Re: The Long and Winding Road to Koombooloomba

    Hi Dan,

    The kayak would be pretty safe there I would think. Be a great way to sneak up some the arms.

    I haven't heard much about Lake Dalrymple, except there is a lot of water between fish. I would like to check it out sometime all the same though. Let me know when you're thinking of heading out and I'll try and make it too.


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