Same old story - launched at Deep Water Bend about 5.30a.m. and went chasing prawns. Got about 120 greasies and 3 bananas by about 7.00a.m. Anchored up on the rising tide and put out a live bait in case there was another jew about and fished the bream using the live prawns. Got a quite good run of bream during the first half of the rise but the quality deteriorated as the tide got higher. Caught about 30 bream - kept 8, a couple of reasonable fish (34 and 31cm) amongst them. Lost a couple of herring and silver biddies but I think only to bream. A couple of slightly larger poddy mullet went untouched for about an hour and a half. Conditions became difficult when the tide turned with the wind gusting 20 -25 knots against the run out tide, so I quit about 11.00a.m.
Plenty of live prawns in the aquarium for the next trip!
Cheers Freeeedom