HI all, with the impending Green Zones about to be implemented in Moreton Bay and the Minister stating he will create artificial reefs I was hoping there is some informed folks here that can shed light on the best possible material to create these reefs with. The Minister stated in a local paper that he intended to build these out of concrete. As far as I am aware ( talking to divers and others ) concrete is NOT a good choice.
Obviously things like old battle ships etc create great dive sights and do attract marine growth which in turn attract marine fish species of all types, but this may not be possible or even EPA approved !!!
There has been Government funded artificial reefs created elsewhere, like Botany Bay, and it would be interesting to see not only what they are made from, but also the results in terms of material suitability, marine growth and fish species population that has occurred since its inception.
On a different tac, do we call these Artificial Reefs ( that would suggest divers being allowed to exploit them, or are they to be FADs ( Fish Attracting Devices ). Although I do not have issues with divers, we must remember that they have had this 30mtr exclusion zone for years that they have used to their advantage many times and things like The Brisbane being sunk off the sunnie coast and being a NO FISHING ZONE.. !!!!! Do we also make these sites a non-commercial site as well, after all the Green Zones are taking away a large proportion of the recreational fishos targeted areas.
IMO< a FAD is what is needed and if that takes the shape of a large structure or a series of structures, then that is a good thing. Not a FAD as per the offshore devices.
To sum this up, I am after info for artifical reefs inside Moreton Bay , not forgetting the green zones will be implemented in offshore waters.
Where these reefs are placed will be up to the EPA or an EPA appointed steering committee, which will hopefully be made up of independent marine scientists, major stake holders and other qualified persons.
Lets get some good info coming in with serious suggestions, unlike someone I talked to the other day who suggested that we start the artificials with solicitors, used car salesmen and telemarketers !!!!!!![]()
Cheers Phill