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Thread: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

  1. #16

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish


    You reckon those queenies are monsters, you'll get yourself a dozen or more that big and bigger in winter if you follow my lead, average fish there in winter was 8kg, smallest about 6kg, biggest on popper was around 10.5kg, get ready for em.


  2. #17

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    Matt just wondering how long your fish was at 15kg or Flex yours at 20kg plus?. . Ive caught several over a meter one going 117cm but didnt weigh any(quick release and no lipgrippers at the time).I dont have a photo of it but I do have it on video.Pic of one of my queenies in my photo album.Great fish everyone!!!

  3. #18

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish


    The 15.5kg Queenie was 125cm to the fork, didn't measure total length.


  4. #19

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    Mate got this oe a couple of weeks back up at Hervey Bay on a 135 Roosta Popper. Was over 10kg and 120 odd cm.


  5. #20

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish


    Well done!! That's a horse of a Queenie, you got him on a roosta popper, were you blooping the popper GT style or flat out retrieve. I'm interested cause i've never got a decent Queenie blooping a popper only ever skipping poppers fished flatout.

    Did you get him blind casting or were fish working some bait.


  6. #21

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    some nice queenies
    bloody good work

  7. #22

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    Thought i'd bring this one back to life with this monster one of my mates caught using a live snook. Fish was never weighed or measured. Approx weight or length nebody?? I'm guessing around 10-14kg..??

    "holy sh!t, did you see that?"

  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member batten's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    in a recent fish and baot magazine, a collum by dan bowater showd a rather large 1 it could b bigger than urs westozdesertfisher

  9. #24

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    Here is one we caught blooping a popper for GTs - He must have been hungry....

    Not the biggest but he sure put up a good fight considering the gear he was caught on.

  10. #25

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    hi fellows i caught this bloke on 15lb line at the mary river mouth river heads
    the buggers are awsome fighters
    cheers ged

  11. #26

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    We caught this one on a bait gig ,jiging for liveies wasn't that fun

  12. #27

    Smile Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    Not as big as yours but it went 12kg caught in 1770 around inner rock. Caught on 6kg rod on 12lb with a 40gram raider.

  13. #28

    Re: Challenge Show me a bigger Queenfish

    mate that's a beautiful fish. my best queenie was a massive 15cm's long! sorry no photo.. you probably all think I'm lying. a fish of that size wow. i should've got a photo!

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