Hi, I went to the Pine River today with tom, my dad and i. we first motored down to bald hills creek and with a few hours of no hits on plastics for once we decided to have a go at bait. we went to this little creek mouth and instantly we anchored and burleyd up with some mach tuna that we also used for bait. we hoiked them out and tom and i widhed for the best. after about 2 minutes the rods started to go off, after a while of using plastics tom and i were a bit impacient and kept striking and missing the fish so the went straight into the rod holders and wqaited for the drag to scream. eventually tom pulled 3 undersized bream untill i pulled in a 41cm flathead followed by a bream to me and tom plus a few small tailor. after struggling with tom's fish that was hooked in the eye my dad yelled oh F#*k i am on!!! after a nice little fight (on the alvey) up came a healthy 53cm flathead. we cast our baits right on the bank under the tree's where were heaps of snags and our lines got tangled
all of a sudden my line screams off down the river only to be lost, we beleived the culprit was a nice jack. tom's rod went off on to miss the fish again, then followed by a 23cm (fork length) bream. we ended up getting a few little stuff and it was fun to have a flick with bait for once in about a year for me and tom 1 month.