2.5 years ago i saw the light and sold everything i owned and moved into gods country [Buderim, QLD] from that horrible little over rated fishing village they call Melbourne. I have never ever had dreamed life would have been so good. Ive got the 2 premier impoundments within a few hours drive and close enough for day trips, The best offshore any one could want [Mooloolaba and Noosa, Moreton Bay] and some of the best bass fishing in the world close by. Yeah lifes a bitch when the I.B.D sets in hard. Look at what it made me do!!!!! Loving every minute of it.
You have me worried!!!! With my 1st trip to Mondy on the Horizon over Anzac Day weekend I to fear I will develop the dreaded I.B.D, it has already cost me a motza on all the gear I didn't have, I live on the Goldie so we talking about a 6 hour drive I reckon, I contracted Impoundment Bass Disorder around 12 months ago and have almost forgotten about the salty brine that practically surrounds me, preferring to hit Hinze or even make the 2hr drive to Sommerset instead of the 10 minute drive to Paradise Point to chase a few lizards..................I've just realised how ridiculous that is!!!! I fear with my diminished immune system I to will succumb to the dreaded I.B.D!!! God be with me!!!! Is there a vaccination available??????
Mate, I know what your going through. I've just endured a whole fortnight of it down in Cairns... not getting slime on your forearms once a weekend sucks! I just did a 4 Day Wilderness First Aid Course down in Cairns, and half the time I had my mind on the job and the other half was on yep... you guessed it... Barra-friggin-mundi! But now, I get a fortnight off and Im quite sure you know what Im doing to do in that space of time!!! Wound - Salt - RubLOL
My advice... hit the Extra Dry's and stop winging! You'll brain em' next time if you use your time away wisely.
Yeah I know what Theo means, Its tough for us up here too you know. There is a perfectly good barra comp at monduran going on RIGHT NOW 20 min from where I am sitting now. BUT I have to work! I cant even have a beer to drown your sorrows
Oh well, I will have to wait until wednesday, when I will have the dam to myself
It was quite funny really. They ASK you to CONSIDER doing country service. There is a list of places, most of which are way way way out west or just plain bad!! Gin Gin was on the list, It had been advertised twice and no one wanted to go there!!!
I figured 1/2 from major city (Bundaberg) good for wife and shopping, 40 min to bargarra beach (good swimming for the kids), 90min to Hervey bay, 1770, Agnes waters, 2hrs in the water to Awoonga and 20 min to a little puddle up the road with big barra!!!! And a paramedic mate in bundy has a big offshore boat and thousands of secret marks offshore Bundaberg, so the freezer always has a respectable supply of trout, reds, sweetlip etc
Work wise its busy enough, but not to busy, cost of living is pretty good (just bought a 3 bed brick house with everything and the BEST view over the cane fields and farms for $270K) Earn twice the coin than in the city and the small town safety and freindliness is awesome.
I was only asked to stay for a year!!! 2 years later, I dont think I will be leaving in a hurry.. Ironically there is a cue up to get in here now!! Most are fishermen too!! Or they just want to get out of the city where they get there arses worked into the ground.
cheers steve