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Thread: Blacksheep Reel

  1. #46
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    All you Daiwa people how does the Bayard rate/go? I just grabbed one because for the money it looked like a pretty good prospect. Taking it offshore (NSW) tomorrow for a bottom bash which will be its first run.

    Not many responses MuppetMan, but that's most likely because not many people would have any first hand experience with them. I have seen and handle one, but never used one so I can't really comment. My gut feeling is they would not handle really harsh treatment over a period of time, but a drag upgrade and they would still be a servicable reel. But like I said, I'm only guessing. I have considered buying one myself though, specifically for flipping, as they are the only reel sold in Aus that I know of that has a flipping switch. Will be interested to hear from you about how it goes.

  2. #47

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by wheezer View Post

    1 interesting note about the JDM CVZ253 is that it comes with a 6.3-1 ratio compared to the 5.1 used in the local version. IMO this makes it more suited to point casting as it allows quicker retrieves after long casts once your lure has passed through the strike zone and is still fine for rolling plastics etc. in fact i found the 6.3-1 ratio on my Steez more comfortable than the slower ratio of my millionaire for plastics work...that said if that is not preferred the gears from a blue backer or 'sheep could be retrofitted for slower ratio

    Interesting comment ..... specially after our recent Awoonga experiences.
    During our point sessions ...... several fish were hooked & landed during the last third of a retrieve ( last 15-20M) ....... Because we fished our slicks all the way back to the boat .... including my biggest (96cm) ... In fact I can recall at least 2 fish that were taken during a pause halfway between our target area & the boat. We actually felt that fish were chasing the slicks out of the strike zone & having a second & even third go at the SP ( double & triple taps were felt)

    anyhow I just thought it was worth sharing ..... I know in the salt .. we would retrieve quickly once we were 5M away from the structure that we targeted.


  3. #48

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Hi NAGG,
    sorry, my intention was to make this comment not as a blanket statement, but merely to illustrate one of the scenarios when fishing...on my last trip to awoonga late last year we too experienced a number of hits/hookups close to the boat while rolling the plastics all the way in, same as you describe with repeated hits until the fish hooked probably came across poorly but i was trying to illustrate that the faster retrieve is more flexible and user friendly in this application. it's easier to slow your cadence down on a faster retrieve reel than to wind like hell on a slower retrieve reel. Also easier to 'burn' the plastic across sections to trigger an explosive reaction bite. i used to be against faster retrieve reels for barra fishing but as i have gained more experience i have learned that for me they are an imiportant part of my kit

  4. #49

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    The Loomis BCR855 GLX (7'1" ..17-25lb) ..... Lovely casting 110-130mm Slicks

    sorry i'm not a fan of Loomis. I build customs (you would have some of the sticks Trev was using that i've built for him) i already have an XH point casting stick rated up to 30lb that has a nice light tip which makes it easier for fish to inhale a plastic on a constant roll retrieve. pretty much the only rod i use at awoonga. Have already tried some big ass swimbaits on it but the rod gets overloaded when casting so i'm looking to build a specialty swimbait stick up to complement it...not something i'll use all the time but will give it a good go here at tinaroo. got some of the river2sea Kongs and will try some 190mm slick rigs too..try to entice some horses!!

  5. #50

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by wheezer View Post
    Hi NAGG,
    sorry, my intention was to make this comment not as a blanket statement, but merely to illustrate one of the scenarios when fishing...on my last trip to awoonga late last year we too experienced a number of hits/hookups close to the boat while rolling the plastics all the way in, same as you describe with repeated hits until the fish hooked probably came across poorly but i was trying to illustrate that the faster retrieve is more flexible and user friendly in this application. it's easier to slow your cadence down on a faster retrieve reel than to wind like hell on a slower retrieve reel. Also easier to 'burn' the plastic across sections to trigger an explosive reaction bite. i used to be against faster retrieve reels for barra fishing but as i have gained more experience i have learned that for me they are an imiportant part of my kit
    Not a drama ..... I was only pointing out a recent scenario .... & as mentioned I'm used to burning lures in once they were passed what I thought was the strike zone!
    That's why I like this barra stuff ..... plenty to learn



    PS Yeh I did notice Trevs custom job ( Hastings blank ??? .. I think)

  6. #51

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    always learning, i guess thats why i'm always keen to go fishing...regardless of whether it was a good or bad trip i'm always analysing the trip and planning the next one.....

    yes all built on Hastings blanks, he's got some of the 6' models they also do a great range of longer sticks for open water work...i've been trying to extol the virtues of using a longer rod in awoonga to him for a while! BTW if anyone is looking i am selling my own custom 6'6" XH stick rated 12-30lb nice and light in the tip but alot of grunt for putting on the brakes when required...built with all the bling like custom finished reel seat, titanium guides and adjustable counterbalanced butt cap system PM if interested i'll be posting it in FS as soon as i get a chance

  7. #52

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    All you Daiwa people how does the Bayard rate/go? I just grabbed one because for the money it looked like a pretty good prospect. Taking it offshore (NSW) tomorrow for a bottom bash which will be its first run.

    Not many responses MuppetMan, but that's most likely because not many people would have any first hand experience with them. I have seen and handle one, but never used one so I can't really comment. My gut feeling is they would not handle really harsh treatment over a period of time, but a drag upgrade and they would still be a servicable reel. But like I said, I'm only guessing. I have considered buying one myself though, specifically for flipping, as they are the only reel sold in Aus that I know of that has a flipping switch. Will be interested to hear from you about how it goes.
    Well fishing in 60m of water I landed a nice 2-3kg snapper, a double of 40cm flathead, a handful of big leatherjackets. The snapper was really the only one of the above that put up a fight and the reel did just fine. Fishing in water that deep a bigger drag would be nice but I had no problems. Spooled with 30lb braid and with 5m of 30lb mono leader.
    All in all a great reel for the price.
    BTW what the hell does the flipping switch do???

  8. #53
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    BTW what the hell does the flipping switch do???
    Hi MuppetMan good to hear you're happy with it. A $20 odd dollar drag upgrade could make it a more than servicable reel.

    Flipping is a specific casting technique that is popular in the US among Bass anglers. The technique involves stripping some line off and holding it in your non-casting hand out to the side of the rod, but still leaving enough line hanging down so that the lure is about 1/2 a rod length away from the tip of the rod.

    The rod tip is then lowered, before being flicked upwards towards the target. The weight of the lure as it swings forward then loads the rod tip up, you then release the line you are holding and take your thumb off the reels spool as the rod tip unloads. As you can imagine it takes some practice to get the timing right. The lure then lobs towards the target, making a very gentle splash as it enters the water.

    Commonly this technique is used when fishing in heavy cover such as grass and/or weedbeds. The fish often strike the moment after the lure hits the water giving the angler little time to turn the handle and re-engage the reels gears. This is where the flipping switch comes in. When you engage the flipping switch the reel goes into free spool when you hold the thumb bar down, but the gears are immediately engaged the moment you take your thumb off the thumb bar. So you cast, lift your thumb when the lure hits the water and the gears are engaged ready to fight the fish. Much faster than needing to turn the reel handle, or physically flick up the thumb bar.

    Sorry long answer, but I hope this helps.

  9. #54
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    l just use my Pixy....when l get bored.....Go fishee go...Then theres the Sheep...DC 200 two TDZs and l just bought a 100 DC magic...Now with the cork knobs and carbon handles....Here fisheee
    Last edited by Awoonga; 09-04-2008 at 07:22 PM.

  10. #55

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Awoonga View Post
    l just use my Pixy....when l get bored.....Go fishee go...Then theres the Sheep...DC 200 two TDZs and l just bought a 100 DC magic...Now with the cork knobs and carbon handles....Here fisheee
    Ahhh you love that 100DC ...... By the way ... How do you rate the CV-Z ?


  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
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    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Ahhh you love that 100DC ...... By the way ... How do you rate the CV-Z ?

    Chris l am or is that was...???? a Daiwa fan...lovem... but the DC is just so good....l have two CVZs both Jap spec with the drag kit they perform really well... My mummy said....No more reels......But the 2008 DC low profile job looks so good......

  12. #57
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Don`t worry all you Daiwa fans. After the sales of the dc (king of bass reels) in US, Daiwa will have a DC reel before long. In my humble opinion.

  13. #58

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Awoonga View Post
    Chris l am or is that was...???? a Daiwa fan...lovem... but the DC is just so good....l have two CVZs both Jap spec with the drag kit they perform really well... My mummy said....No more reels......But the 2008 DC low profile job looks so good......
    Are you referring to the JDM Metanium DC? .... yep it looks good
    What mummy don't know ... don't hurt

  14. #59

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by reggy View Post
    Don`t worry all you Daiwa fans. After the sales of the dc (king of bass reels) in US, Daiwa will have a DC reel before long. In my humble opinion.
    Yeh .... Thats only because the Yanks are too lazy to put their thumb on the spool

  15. #60
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Blacksheep Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Yeh .... Thats only because the Yanks are too lazy to put their thumb on the spool
    No mate, it`s because it casts the best. Whether it be centrifugal brakes, magnetic brakes or digital brakes, the reel that casts the best (or easiest, same thing) will sell the most.
    Wouldn`t have one myself. I like the "keep it simple " theory.
    Last edited by reggy; 10-04-2008 at 04:51 PM. Reason: additions

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