Wheezer Japan Tackle states that the 253 only has 4kg drag while all the other models have 5kg, is this due to physical size or number of the drag washers or type of drag? Like say Zillion vs. Hrf? And if so would that limit the max to lower than that of all the others drag even with the erskine drag upgrade?
Mikooh I would imagine that both spool diameter and width would play a role in cast distance. The wider the spool is the more line can come off without reducing the overall diameter And the larger the diameter the easier the spool will be to turn for the given force (think rear bike gears).
Nagg, I'm a daiwa man too but I do like the look of those conquests. I'm yet to play with one of the dc controlled reels but from all reports they are sensational. Hope it wouldn't effect the sense of achievement you get from being able to cast a baitcaster well though

(I'd almost feel like I was cheating
