yeah them bluebackers would be close to it,it's a nice reel
yeah them bluebackers would be close to it,it's a nice reel
Originally Posted by wheezer
These two posts best summ up daiwa's round style bc's strengths and weakness's for me and as far as I've found so far there is no "successor" to the sheep as yet.Originally Posted by A_DIFF_PERSPECTIVE
Dont know mate, my jdm cvz-205 is veeery sweet, would love another, even the cvz-203A, tuned up a bit, is a great reel, hasnt let me down yet.
For less dollars, nothing wrong with the luna 203 with a drag kit, for normal, dont flog ya gear to death type fishing, mates got one and he wraps them, I just sold him a new one I had sitting in the cupboard for his second outfit.
I havent used the sheep at all yet, still sitting in its box, think that might change next summer.
Am waiting, still, for the drag kit for the zillion, want to give that a run over the Anzac day week end, totally differant style of reel I know, but I find after a couple of days full on casting with the barrels, the low profiles sit a lot more easy in the hand.
Hi Brian
After the Awoonga sessions , I came to the conclusion that the drum type reels are the go for distance point casting! ..... With 50lb nitlon on , I was definitely maxing out due to the diminishing spool diameter on the Zillions.
So , since I was double handed casting on 6'10" & 7'1" rods anyway ....... I reckon I could put up with the added wt of a drum type reel! ( fatigue was minimal after 4 solid days)
Mate .... I dont know how you can have any bit of kit unused .....![]()
PS .... How long have you been waiting on the drag kit ? ... I want to do mine
Originally Posted by NAGG
What are you thinking to fill your barrel barra baitcast void Nagg? calcutta te/conquest? Luna? cvz?
Last edited by Tim_08; 03-04-2008 at 08:07 PM.
Most of my stuff is down and dirty in the sticks mate, 10 to 15 meter cast, and let the fun begin, so line capacity hasnt been an issue yet, cept for the one time I was buried in a snag by a good fish and tried to free spool swim it out while I traced it with the kota, ping is the sound your mono backing makes when all your 50lb braid is gone.
Im not comfertable with double handed casting, must be my up-bringing as an alvey user lol, so I prefer the shorter rods, even my loomis cbr756 at 6'3" feels a little to long for timber work, but then again Ive never really fished Awoonga weed beds or points. Ive got a nice little 6'6" spin stick and Caldia Kix 3000 loaded with 20lb braid for that type of fishin, when the day comes.
Been waiting 3 weeks now for the washers mate, called in on Tuesday to see what was happening and was told they were still waitig for Erskines to send them down![]()
As for un-used kit, strangely, since I found this barra gig, I seem to have become a bit of a tackle slut, Im currently trying to cull the number of baitcasters I own to a realistic level
I too was a single handed caster ( I only learnt double handed a few weeks ago ...... you should have seen the birds nests when I started trying) ...... Its actually quite good . My timber work is done with a 6'2" Miller (single handed).
gotto say though ...... longer casts mean less spooked fish ... even in the timber , though as I found out at Monduran ........ It makes for an interesting fight![]()
Yep .... i'm a tackle stut ( but I'm still buying .... not culling).
Well I hope you get those washers soon ... & get to give em a big work out!
After reading your post about drum vs low profile reels, I pulled the spool out of both my zillion and my luna 253 for a side by side comparison. Without resorting to the calipers i would say that there is around 4mm difference in diameter and 10mm in width, both in favour of the luna. This brought me to the assumption that most of the distance advantage of the drum style reel would come from the extra width of the spool? and if this was the case then some drum style reels such as the calcutta 200 or Daiwa CVZ 100 would offer no real advantage due to thier narrower spools. interesting.
I can see a backyard casting test coming up tomorrow...
to be honest from a casting reel perspective i don't think much of the 'sheep...a CVZ 253 would make a better proposition...don't forget it like all other variants is originally based on the CVZ's to start with! has the same amount of drag washers so a simple carbontex upgrade would make it more than capable, and the sheep is like the blue backer in that it isn't designed foremost as a casting reel and as such has the less effective centrifugal cast control...i'm looking to put together an XOS barra/PNG black bass outfit and the reel will almost certainly be a JDM CVZ253
Good question Tim ......... From what I can see the CV-Z is now out of production..... Though you can still get some out of Japan
Luna .... probably not
Even though I'm a Daiwa man ..... I will look at the Conquest DC ( JDM rather than domestic) ..... Trevor (Awoonga) raved about his (Calcutta DC)
Sheep or Bluebacker ? ... both possible ( & I can still get a sheep) .
So ... as you can see , I have no idea ....... but whatever it is ,,,,, I WANT ONE![]()
Seriously .... I would say a CV-Z ( tricked) ... as my first option , then a sheep or Conquest DC
Wheezer Japan Tackle states that the 253 only has 4kg drag while all the other models have 5kg, is this due to physical size or number of the drag washers or type of drag? Like say Zillion vs. Hrf? And if so would that limit the max to lower than that of all the others drag even with the erskine drag upgrade?
Mikooh I would imagine that both spool diameter and width would play a role in cast distance. The wider the spool is the more line can come off without reducing the overall diameter And the larger the diameter the easier the spool will be to turn for the given force (think rear bike gears).
Nagg, I'm a daiwa man too but I do like the look of those conquests. I'm yet to play with one of the dc controlled reels but from all reports they are sensational. Hope it wouldn't effect the sense of achievement you get from being able to cast a baitcaster well though(I'd almost feel like I was cheating
Last edited by Tim_08; 03-04-2008 at 09:21 PM.
Mick you're spot on ........ & its why I'll look for a 250 size reel. I have a Calcutta 400 & its just too wide & stuffs up the balance .
What I did pick up ...... that even 2mm less line on the spool of the Zillion was noticable ( I had one full & the other had around 15M less) ......... The full line load cast better...... when used on the same rod!
And to think that I was just starting to love my growing collection of multiple bearing ultralite super tuned low profiles. Its taken years to wean me off my calcuttas and millionaires... then you throw a spanner in the works..
For Sale:
1x zillion CC, 1x steez 103, 1x core mg, 1x 50mg. PM for details.![]()
Just kidding!
I will be testing your theory though.
Ha ha, he had the same effect on me. One Hrf started me off, then got my pe special zillion was then thinking Zillion HLC never even entertained the idea of a round type reel and then Nagg came along and said barrel type for pointcaster. So then I had to buy a sheep![]()
Last edited by Tim_08; 03-04-2008 at 10:05 PM.