Seems likes there so many bloody experts capable of knowing that the Traveston Dam wont't impact endangered species that the government need not have engaged any to do an impact assessment - should have just asked the fishing news forum on Ausfish hey?? Makes me weep.![]()
For your information the turtles concerned are a riverine habitat (not dam - big difference!) dependent species restricted only to the Mary River catchment - i.e. endemic to it, occur nowhere else. While adults may be able to live in the artifical lake habitat created by the dam the prospects of successful breeding and recruitment of young are poor to non-existent due to their dependence on bank, flow and cover features only associated with a flowing riverine environment.
The fish concerned Mary River Cod are also endemic to the basin although they have been stocked elsewhere - they also are a riverine dependent species that has not be shown to breed successfully in impoundments. There are good indications that the area propsed to be flooded by the Traveston Dam contains the best remnant habitat and population of Mary River Cod in the main river system (some other remnant populations occur in isolated tributaries) - basically the construction of this dam will severely undermine the recovery prospects for this species in the main river channel - stocking is a poor cousin compared to having a breeding viable wild population of this species.
That Ausfishers would support a proposal that threatens such an iconic Queensland freshwater fish and proposes to dam the last free nflowing river representative of the south east Qld bioregion beggars belief!!
The main thing that needs to be addressed in dealing with the water drought in SE Qld is the people flood! Any bloody cow cocky knows that there is only so many head you can put in the bottom paddock - yet when it comes to the so called 'growth corridor' of SE Qld no one is prepared to confront the obvious reality that there are limits to growth. How bloody big a suburb do you want to live in in SE Qld anyway??? So we can have an extra 50-70 thousand people living in Brisbane / SE Qld each year are we prepared to continue damming all rivers within reach (or even out of reach - bloody absurb proposal to build pipeline to north Qld etc..) - and once we've dammed all them, then what?? desalination plants - and once we've built all them then what??? etc. etc..
Wouldn't it be more sensivble to manage growth? put real ecologicaly sustainable constraints on it, redirect it to more resource rich regional areas (if we must have growth) - growth for the sake of growth is the bloody philosphy of cancer and that is what is going to consume the natural ecosystem values of South east Qld - rather than more dams being in our kids interests I'd suggest that sustainability of our natural ecoystems is and the sooner we confront the bloody mythological belief in growth for ever is good paradigm - the better!!