after being blown away by s.easterly winds for the last 3mths weather looked perfect being the day after easter thought i might have ago at the jew out at the pin my mate clive was suposed to be working but when he heard iwas going for a fish he was round in a flash so we headed out to the pin did a bit of cast netting and scored 8 mullet conditions were perfect with a 5-10 n.e winds there was bait fish splashes everywhere thought we must get a Jew after a mucking around catching whiting while waiting for the tide to slow after about an hour tap tap...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztt im on after seeing bull sharks going crazy i thought it might be one but after a couple strong runs and about 5 minutes up popped a 8 1/2 kilo jew thanks for the good net job clive in the boat it came looks like its gonna be a good season get your alvies greased up