Haven’t fished the Pine for about three weeks, due to a trip away and never fishing during the Easter break. Was interested to see if the fish were still active as they had been before I went away.
Launched at Deep Water Bend about 5.30am and went looking for prawns. They were fairly hard to find but managed about a hundred greasies in about 2 hours, but only half a dozen bananas. Also managed about 15 herring and a few poddy mullet which gave me all the bait I needed.
Settled down to fish the rising tide – I prefer a falling tide, but you take what you get. There was a steady run of fish through most of the rise and by the time I gave it away about 11.30am I had managed 9 keeper bream, and released about the same number, a small grunter (38cm) and a nice size school jew (67cm). I had also released a small cod and an even smaller GT, but was busted off about half a dozen times, both on live baits and on prawns, by fish I couldn’t keep out of the structure. A couple of these felt like cod, but could only guess at the others.
I quit about 11.30am when the tide went slack. Nice morning, with light winds and no showers for a change. The bony bream (crab bait) in the picture were taken in the cast net.
Cheers Freeeedom