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Gold Coast Seaway Advice
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Thread: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

  1. #1

    Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Hi guys,

    Need some advice on the Gold Coast Seaway. I am only new to the offshore fishing scene (being skipper), having now done two trips out. My first saw a 72cm snapper come abord and my second was fairly scarce at best lol. Have to find some GPS points.

    So now I'm pretty much hooked and I'm always keeping my eyes open for good weather conditions that will minimise seasicknes and obviously be relatively safe.

    The last couple of days seas and swell have been forecast for under 2m. I did a trip to the seaway with the hope it would look safe enough to go right out but it was quite messy right across about 100m out. I decided to stick to the seaway.

    So I need some advice on these conditions, tide was running out which wouldn't have helped that much. Is this rough stuff just near the bar? If I made my my way around it would I find the calm forecasted conditions? Anyone who knows the area well or even went out over the last couple of days could you give some advice for getting out and what it was like out there. I have a 5m plate boat to give an idea of what I'm in.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by WildFisHbOy View Post
    Hi guys,

    Need some advice on the Gold Coast Seaway. I am only new to the offshore fishing scene (being skipper), having now done two trips out. My first saw a 72cm snapper come abord and my second was fairly scarce at best lol. Have to find some GPS points.

    So now I'm pretty much hooked and I'm always keeping my eyes open for good weather conditions that will minimise seasicknes and obviously be relatively safe.

    The last couple of days seas and swell have been forecast for under 2m. I did a trip to the seaway with the hope it would look safe enough to go right out but it was quite messy right across about 100m out. I decided to stick to the seaway.

    So I need some advice on these conditions, tide was running out which wouldn't have helped that much. Is this rough stuff just near the bar? If I made my my way around it would I find the calm forecasted conditions? Anyone who knows the area well or even went out over the last couple of days could you give some advice for getting out and what it was like out there. I have a 5m plate boat to give an idea of what I'm in.

    Thanks guys
    You will hear a lot of good advice on a forum, particularly this one.

    However, I think a $100 trip with one of your local charter boats would be a dividend-paying investment. Bend the skipper's ear all day.

  3. #3

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice


    Rule number one, if your not comfortable, don't do it.

    Given the <2m seas and the outgoing tide you probably made the right call.

    If your not comfortable with the conditions over the Easter break, I would sit in the seaway and watch the boats heading out and see how they handle it.

    The seaway can be an easy crossing, but can also be bloody dangerous.

    Hope you get a few



  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Jim summed it up mate. If you feel uncomfortable, then your bottle is sending you a message. Also, even if it looks right, be prepared for the unexpected. We sat there one morning waiting for first light and watching others and the charter fleet heading out.

    My mate Ross didn't fancy it until the visibility got better because there was a largish swell, although no breakers. Just then, a little12ft tinny scuttled past our 20ft kingtin so I said, "bugger this, I'm off." The tinny uneventfully rode the swell and disappeared behind it. As we started to cross I glanced down as I was kicking off me footwear and heard me mate Ross draw a breath and utter, "F*****g Hell!"

    Looking up I saw a Huuuuuuuge swell towering above us. We rode up it at more than 45d and looking back it looked like there was the same distance to the bottom of the trough again, as the length of the boat. Luckily, it didn't break but I don't think I've ever been so scared witless. Anyways, we rode up and over and I was expecting to drop down the other side but strangely enough, the sea seemed to be on a higher level than that from which we'd just travelled.......really weird Once through, there was only a gentle rolling swell and we could see that little 12ft tinny heading off to Palmy in the distance. If he'd have been a little later he'd be gone.

    Just keep your cool and don't under/over gun and be prepared..........I suppose the wave we met is similar to one of those that some pros rarely see coming and sadly, don't come home from...........the name of the game I suppose and you just have to keep the odds in your favour.

    Good luck


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  5. #5

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    The Seaway south wall entrance has very shallow shoals atm - (

    We went out yest. arvo (Seas were ~1.2 -> 1.5M) without issue

  6. #6

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Thanks guys,

    Yeah safety is a big thing for me and if I don't feel comfortable I certainly wont head out. Particularly as I have limited experience.

    Kingtin, that would have had my heart pumping a million miles an hour for sure. Your right though in that sometimes these waves show up unexpectedly. I guess the best thing to do is to keep your wits about you and have all the safety gear ready and lifejackets on while crossing. I know I insist everyone I take wears one.

    Cheers for the info frankgrimes, much appreciated. Did you manage to score a feed?

    I guess for now (haven't the $$ for a chrter at moment) I'll try and get down to the seaway and observe how the water moves and other boats plot their exits and when that magic weather comes round hop on the phone to call in sick at work lol.

  7. #7

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by WildFisHbOy View Post
    Thanks guys,

    Cheers for the info frankgrimes, much appreciated. Did you manage to score a feed?
    Heap of undersized squire...hadn't been outside in a while so it was still good fun.....Send us a pm if you want to head out one day, got a few marks...

  8. #8

    Re: Gold Coast Seaway Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin View Post
    As we started to cross I glanced down as I was kicking off me footwear and heard me mate Ross draw a breath and utter, "F*****g Hell!"
    And Ross swears it is the only time in all his boating years that he has felt seasick!

    I think you turned him off crossing the seaway for life.... anytime I mention heading outside fishing he turns a funny shade of green


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