Hi everyone, whilst sitting here I was was thinking about tides and best times to catch fish but thought "is there such a thing as a best time to be out catching fish?" I know in most cases it is the luck of the draw when fishing as to whether or not you will come home with a feed. How many times have we got up at the crack of dawn and come home with nothing and other times we have headed out and bagged out by not long after sunrise? Is fishing really a science or is it just that some days are better than others with no real reason behind it? Will we ever understand why some days there can be no fish showing on the sounder and all of a sudden the screen turns black with fish and you are in the best bite session of all time and as quickly as they come on the chew they vanish? I have often wondered why this happens and it mystifies me. Why do fish tend to come on the chew at the turn of the tide? What is the science behind it? If anyone can shed some light on this phenomena please feel free to enlighten me.